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EdWorkingPapers Scope

The Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University, in partnership with the SCALE Initiative at Stanford University, offers EdWorkingPapers, a national working paper series, to provide open access to high-quality papers from multiple disciplines and from multiple universities and research organizations on a wide variety of topics related to education. 

EdWorkingPapers primarily focuses on new research that holds significant implications for education policy and is oriented toward eventual publication in academic journals.

We encourage the submission of research that sheds light on substantive education policy issues, including the following types of papers:

  • Original empirical research 
  • Conceptual and theoretical papers
  • Literature reviews that synthesize relevant research to formulate a novel thesis
  • Research methodology papers that are relevant to education research 
  • International and comparative research
  • Scholarly essays demonstrating systematic inquiry 

We do not accept:

  • Literature reviews that solely summarize and do not make an original point
  • Reports and research briefs
  • Perspective, opinion, op-ed, and commentary pieces
  • Book or software reviews

Working papers posted on other repositories are accepted, with the condition that external branding is removed to align with the standard EdWorkingPapers format. 

All submissions must be eligible for a DOI. 

Still not sure if your research is a good fit for EdWorkingPapers? Email us at [email protected]

The opinions and perspectives presented in the submitted papers are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of EdWorkingPapers or its affiliated institutions.