Invoices are statements of amounts owed by a customer, and are either generated one-off, or generated periodically from a subscription.

They contain invoice items, and proration adjustments that may be caused by subscription upgrades/downgrades (if necessary).

If your invoice is configured to be billed through automatic charges, Stripe automatically finalizes your invoice and attempts payment. Note that finalizing the invoice, when automatic, does not happen immediately as the invoice is created. Stripe waits until one hour after the last webhook was successfully sent (or the last webhook timed out after failing). If you (and the platforms you may have connected to) have no webhooks configured, Stripe waits one hour after creation to finalize the invoice.

If your invoice is configured to be billed by sending an email, then based on your email settings, Stripe will email the invoice to your customer and await payment. These emails can contain a link to a hosted page to pay the invoice.

Stripe applies any customer credit on the account before determining the amount due for the invoice (i.e., the amount that will be actually charged). If the amount due for the invoice is less than Stripe’s minimum allowed charge per currency, the invoice is automatically marked paid, and we add the amount due to the customer’s credit balance which is applied to the next invoice.

More details on the customer’s credit balance are here.

Related guide: Send invoices to customers


  • idstring

    Unique identifier for the object. This property is always present unless the invoice is an upcoming invoice. See Retrieve an upcoming invoice for more details.

  • auto_advanceboolean

    Controls whether Stripe performs automatic collection of the invoice. If false, the invoice’s state doesn’t automatically advance without an explicit action.

  • chargenullable stringExpandable

    ID of the latest charge generated for this invoice, if any.

  • collection_methodenum

    Either charge_automatically, or send_invoice. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay this invoice using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email this invoice to the customer with payment instructions.

    Possible enum values

    Attempt payment using the default source attached to the customer.


    Email payment instructions to the customer.

  • currencyenum

    Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported currency.

  • customerstringExpandable

    The ID of the customer who will be billed.

  • descriptionnullable string

    An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. Referenced as ‘memo’ in the Dashboard.

  • hosted_invoice_urlnullable string

    The URL for the hosted invoice page, which allows customers to view and pay an invoice. If the invoice has not been finalized yet, this will be null.

  • linesobject

    The individual line items that make up the invoice. lines is sorted as follows: (1) pending invoice items (including prorations) in reverse chronological order, (2) subscription items in reverse chronological order, and (3) invoice items added after invoice creation in chronological order.

  • metadatanullable object

    Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.

  • payment_intentnullable stringExpandable

    The PaymentIntent associated with this invoice. The PaymentIntent is generated when the invoice is finalized, and can then be used to pay the invoice. Note that voiding an invoice will cancel the PaymentIntent.

  • period_endtimestamp

    End of the usage period during which invoice items were added to this invoice. This looks back one period for a subscription invoice. Use the line item period to get the service period for each price.

  • period_starttimestamp

    Start of the usage period during which invoice items were added to this invoice. This looks back one period for a subscription invoice. Use the line item period to get the service period for each price.

  • statusnullable enum

    The status of the invoice, one of draft, open, paid, uncollectible, or void. Learn more

  • subscriptionnullable stringExpandable

    The subscription that this invoice was prepared for, if any.

  • totalinteger

    Total after discounts and taxes.

More attributes

  • objectstring

  • account_countrynullable string

  • account_namenullable string

  • account_tax_idsnullable array of stringsExpandable

  • amount_dueinteger

  • amount_paidinteger

  • amount_remaininginteger

  • amount_shippinginteger

  • applicationnullable stringExpandableConnect only

  • application_fee_amountnullable integerConnect only

  • attempt_countinteger

  • attemptedboolean

  • automatic_taxobject

  • automatically_finalizes_atnullable timestamp

  • billing_reasonnullable enum

  • createdtimestamp

  • custom_fieldsnullable array of objects

  • customer_addressnullable object

  • customer_emailnullable string

  • customer_namenullable string

  • customer_phonenullable string

  • customer_shippingnullable object

  • customer_tax_exemptnullable enum

  • customer_tax_idsnullable array of objects

  • default_payment_methodnullable stringExpandable

  • default_sourcenullable stringExpandable

  • default_tax_ratesarray of objects

  • discountnullable objectDeprecated

  • discountsarray of stringsExpandable

  • due_datenullable timestamp

  • effective_atnullable timestamp

  • ending_balancenullable integer

  • footernullable string

  • from_invoicenullable object

  • invoice_pdfnullable string

  • issuerobjectConnect only

  • last_finalization_errornullable object

  • latest_revisionnullable stringExpandable

  • livemodeboolean

  • next_payment_attemptnullable timestamp

  • numbernullable string

  • on_behalf_ofnullable stringExpandableConnect only

  • paidboolean

  • paid_out_of_bandboolean

  • payment_settingsobject

  • post_payment_credit_notes_amountinteger

  • pre_payment_credit_notes_amountinteger

  • quotenullable stringExpandable

  • receipt_numbernullable string

  • renderingnullable object

  • shipping_costnullable object

  • shipping_detailsnullable object

  • starting_balanceinteger

  • statement_descriptornullable string

  • status_transitionsobject

  • subscription_detailsnullable object

  • subscription_proration_datenullable integer

  • subtotalinteger

  • subtotal_excluding_taxnullable integer

  • taxnullable integer

  • test_clocknullable stringExpandable

  • threshold_reasonnullable object

  • total_discount_amountsnullable array of objects

  • total_excluding_taxnullable integer

  • total_tax_amountsarray of objects

  • transfer_datanullable objectConnect only

  • webhooks_delivered_atnullable timestamp

The Invoice object
"id": "in_1MtHbELkdIwHu7ixl4OzzPMv",
"object": "invoice",
"account_country": "US",
"account_name": "Stripe Docs",
"account_tax_ids": null,
"amount_due": 0,
"amount_paid": 0,
"amount_remaining": 0,
"amount_shipping": 0,
"application": null,
"application_fee_amount": null,
"attempt_count": 0,
"attempted": false,
"auto_advance": false,
"automatic_tax": {
"enabled": false,
"liability": null,
"status": null
"billing_reason": "manual",
"charge": null,
"collection_method": "charge_automatically",
"created": 1680644467,
"currency": "usd",
"custom_fields": null,
"customer": "cus_NeZwdNtLEOXuvB",
"customer_address": null,
"customer_email": "[email protected]",
"customer_name": "Jenny Rosen",
"customer_phone": null,
"customer_shipping": null,
"customer_tax_exempt": "none",
"customer_tax_ids": [],
"default_payment_method": null,
"default_source": null,
"default_tax_rates": [],
"description": null,
"discount": null,
"discounts": [],
"due_date": null,
"ending_balance": null,
"footer": null,
"from_invoice": null,
"hosted_invoice_url": null,
"invoice_pdf": null,
"issuer": {
"type": "self"
"last_finalization_error": null,
"latest_revision": null,
"lines": {
"object": "list",
"data": [],
"has_more": false,
"total_count": 0,
"url": "/v1/invoices/in_1MtHbELkdIwHu7ixl4OzzPMv/lines"
"livemode": false,
"metadata": {},
"next_payment_attempt": null,
"number": null,
"on_behalf_of": null,
"paid": false,
"paid_out_of_band": false,
"payment_intent": null,
"payment_settings": {
"default_mandate": null,
"payment_method_options": null,
"payment_method_types": null
"period_end": 1680644467,
"period_start": 1680644467,
"post_payment_credit_notes_amount": 0,
"pre_payment_credit_notes_amount": 0,
"quote": null,
"receipt_number": null,
"rendering_options": null,
"shipping_cost": null,
"shipping_details": null,
"starting_balance": 0,
"statement_descriptor": null,
"status": "draft",
"status_transitions": {
"finalized_at": null,
"marked_uncollectible_at": null,
"paid_at": null,
"voided_at": null
"subscription": null,
"subtotal": 0,
"subtotal_excluding_tax": 0,
"tax": null,
"test_clock": null,
"total": 0,
"total_discount_amounts": [],
"total_excluding_tax": 0,
"total_tax_amounts": [],
"transfer_data": null,
"webhooks_delivered_at": 1680644467

This endpoint creates a draft invoice for a given customer. The invoice remains a draft until you finalize the invoice, which allows you to pay or send the invoice to your customers.


  • auto_advanceboolean

    Controls whether Stripe performs automatic collection of the invoice. If false, the invoice’s state doesn’t automatically advance without an explicit action.

  • collection_methodenum

    Either charge_automatically, or send_invoice. When charging automatically, Stripe will attempt to pay this invoice using the default source attached to the customer. When sending an invoice, Stripe will email this invoice to the customer with payment instructions. Defaults to charge_automatically.

    Possible enum values
  • customerstring

    The ID of the customer who will be billed.

  • descriptionstring

    An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. Referenced as ‘memo’ in the Dashboard.

  • metadataobject

    Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to metadata.

  • subscriptionstring

    The ID of the subscription to invoice, if any. If set, the created invoice will only include pending invoice items for that subscription. The subscription’s billing cycle and regular subscription events won’t be affected.

More parameters

  • account_tax_idsarray of strings

  • application_fee_amountintegerConnect only

  • automatic_taxobject

  • currencyenum

  • custom_fieldsarray of objects

  • days_until_dueinteger

  • default_payment_methodstring

  • default_sourcestring

  • default_tax_ratesarray of strings

  • discountsarray of objects

  • due_datetimestamp

  • effective_attimestamp

  • footerstring

  • from_invoiceobject

  • issuerobjectConnect only

  • numberstring

  • on_behalf_ofstringConnect only

  • payment_settingsobject

  • pending_invoice_items_behaviorenum

  • renderingobject

  • shipping_costobject

  • shipping_detailsobject

  • statement_descriptorstring

  • transfer_dataobjectConnect only


Returns the invoice object. Raises an error if the customer ID provided is invalid.

POST /v1/invoices
curl \
-u "sk_test_4eC39Hq...arjtT1zdp7dcsk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc:" \
-d customer=cus_NeZwdNtLEOXuvB
"id": "in_1MtHbELkdIwHu7ixl4OzzPMv",
"object": "invoice",
"account_country": "US",
"account_name": "Stripe Docs",
"account_tax_ids": null,
"amount_due": 0,
"amount_paid": 0,
"amount_remaining": 0,
"amount_shipping": 0,
"application": null,
"application_fee_amount": null,
"attempt_count": 0,
"attempted": false,
"auto_advance": false,
"automatic_tax": {
"enabled": false,
"liability": null,
"status": null
"billing_reason": "manual",
"charge": null,
"collection_method": "charge_automatically",
"created": 1680644467,
"currency": "usd",
"custom_fields": null,
"customer": "cus_NeZwdNtLEOXuvB",
"customer_address": null,
"customer_email": "[email protected]",
"customer_name": "Jenny Rosen",
"customer_phone": null,
"customer_shipping": null,
"customer_tax_exempt": "none",
"customer_tax_ids": [],
"default_payment_method": null,
"default_source": null,
"default_tax_rates": [],
"description": null,
"discount": null,
"discounts": [],
"due_date": null,
"ending_balance": null,
"footer": null,
"from_invoice": null,
"hosted_invoice_url": null,
"invoice_pdf": null,
"issuer": {
"type": "self"
"last_finalization_error": null,
"latest_revision": null,
"lines": {
"object": "list",
"data": [],
"has_more": false,
"total_count": 0,
"url": "/v1/invoices/in_1MtHbELkdIwHu7ixl4OzzPMv/lines"
"livemode": false,
"metadata": {},
"next_payment_attempt": null,
"number": null,
"on_behalf_of": null,
"paid": false,
"paid_out_of_band": false,
"payment_intent": null,
"payment_settings": {
"default_mandate": null,
"payment_method_options": null,
"payment_method_types": null
"period_end": 1680644467,
"period_start": 1680644467,
"post_payment_credit_notes_amount": 0,
"pre_payment_credit_notes_amount": 0,
"quote": null,
"receipt_number": null,
"rendering_options": null,
"shipping_cost": null,
"shipping_details": null,
"starting_balance": 0,
"statement_descriptor": null,
"status": "draft",
"status_transitions": {
"finalized_at": null,
"marked_uncollectible_at": null,
"paid_at": null,
"voided_at": null
"subscription": null,
"subtotal": 0,
"subtotal_excluding_tax": 0,
"tax": null,
"test_clock": null,
"total": 0,
"total_discount_amounts": [],
"total_excluding_tax": 0,
"total_tax_amounts": [],
"transfer_data": null,
"webhooks_delivered_at": 1680644467

At any time, you can preview the upcoming invoice for a customer. This will show you all the charges that are pending, including subscription renewal charges, invoice item charges, etc. It will also show you any discounts that are applicable to the invoice.

Note that when you are viewing an upcoming invoice, you are simply viewing a preview – the invoice has not yet been created. As such, the upcoming invoice will not show up in invoice listing calls, and you cannot use the API to pay or edit the invoice. If you want to change the amount that your customer will be billed, you can add, remove, or update pending invoice items, or update the customer’s discount.

You can preview the effects of updating a subscription, including a preview of what proration will take place. To ensure that the actual proration is calculated exactly the same as the previewed proration, you should pass the subscription_details.proration_date parameter when doing the actual subscription update. The recommended way to get only the prorations being previewed is to consider only proration line items where period[start] is equal to the subscription_details.proration_date value passed in the request.

Note: Currency conversion calculations use the latest exchange rates. Exchange rates may vary between the time of the preview and the time of the actual invoice creation. Learn more


  • customerstring

    The identifier of the customer whose upcoming invoice you’d like to retrieve. If automatic_tax is enabled then one of customer, customer_details, subscription, or schedule must be set.

  • subscriptionstring

    The identifier of the subscription for which you’d like to retrieve the upcoming invoice. If not provided, but a subscription_details.items is provided, you will preview creating a subscription with those items. If neither subscription nor subscription_details.items is provided, you will retrieve the next upcoming invoice from among the customer’s subscriptions.

More parameters

  • automatic_taxobject

  • couponstringDeprecated

  • currencyenum

  • customer_detailsobject

  • discountsarray of objects

  • invoice_itemsarray of objects

  • issuerobjectConnect only

  • on_behalf_ofstringConnect only

  • preview_modeenum

  • schedulestring

  • schedule_detailsobject

  • subscription_detailsobject


Returns an invoice if valid customer information is provided. Raises an error otherwise.

POST /v1/invoices/create_preview
curl \
-u "sk_test_4eC39Hq...arjtT1zdp7dcsk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc:" \
-d customer=cus_NeZwdNtLEOXuvB
"id": "upcoming_in_1MtHbELkdIwHu7ixl4OzzPMv",
"object": "invoice",
"account_country": "US",
"account_name": "Stripe Docs",
"account_tax_ids": null,
"amount_due": 0,
"amount_paid": 0,
"amount_remaining": 0,
"amount_shipping": 0,
"application": null,
"application_fee_amount": null,
"attempt_count": 0,
"attempted": false,
"auto_advance": false,
"automatic_tax": {
"enabled": false,
"status": null
"billing_reason": "manual",
"charge": null,
"collection_method": "charge_automatically",
"created": 1680644467,
"currency": "usd",
"custom_fields": null,
"customer": "cus_NeZwdNtLEOXuvB",
"customer_address": null,
"customer_email": "[email protected]",
"customer_name": "Jenny Rosen",
"customer_phone": null,
"customer_shipping": null,
"customer_tax_exempt": "none",
"customer_tax_ids": [],
"default_payment_method": null,
"default_source": null,
"default_tax_rates": [],
"description": null,
"discount": null,
"discounts": [],
"due_date": null,
"ending_balance": null,
"footer": null,
"from_invoice": null,
"hosted_invoice_url": null,
"invoice_pdf": null,
"last_finalization_error": null,
"latest_revision": null,
"lines": {
"object": "list",
"data": [],
"has_more": false,
"total_count": 0,
"url": "/v1/invoices/in_1MtHbELkdIwHu7ixl4OzzPMv/lines"
"livemode": false,
"metadata": {},
"next_payment_attempt": null,
"number": null,
"on_behalf_of": null,
"paid": false,
"paid_out_of_band": false,
"payment_intent": null,
"payment_settings": {
"default_mandate": null,
"payment_method_options": null,
"payment_method_types": null
"period_end": 1680644467,
"period_start": 1680644467,
"post_payment_credit_notes_amount": 0,
"pre_payment_credit_notes_amount": 0,
"quote": null,
"receipt_number": null,
"rendering_options": null,
"shipping_cost": null,
"shipping_details": null,
"starting_balance": 0,
"statement_descriptor": null,
"status": "draft",
"status_transitions": {
"finalized_at": null,
"marked_uncollectible_at": null,
"paid_at": null,
"voided_at": null
"subscription": null,
"subtotal": 0,
"subtotal_excluding_tax": 0,
"tax": null,
"test_clock": null,
"total": 0,
"total_discount_amounts": [],
"total_excluding_tax": 0,
"total_tax_amounts": [],
"transfer_data": null,
"webhooks_delivered_at": 1680644467

Draft invoices are fully editable. Once an invoice is finalized, monetary values, as well as collection_method, become uneditable.

If you would like to stop the Stripe Billing engine from automatically finalizing, reattempting payments on, sending reminders for, or automatically reconciling invoices, pass auto_advance=false.


  • auto_advanceboolean

    Controls whether Stripe performs automatic collection of the invoice.

  • collection_methodenum

    Either charge_automatically or send_invoice. This field can be updated only on draft invoices.

    Possible enum values
  • descriptionstring

    An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. Referenced as ‘memo’ in the Dashboard.

  • metadataobject

    Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to metadata.

More parameters

  • account_tax_idsarray of strings

  • application_fee_amountintegerConnect only

  • automatic_taxobject

  • custom_fieldsarray of objects

  • days_until_dueinteger

  • default_payment_methodstring

  • default_sourcestring

  • default_tax_ratesarray of strings

  • discountsarray of objects

  • due_datetimestamp

  • effective_attimestamp

  • footerstring

  • issuerobjectConnect only

  • numberstring

  • on_behalf_ofstringConnect only

  • payment_settingsobject

  • renderingobject

  • shipping_costobject

  • shipping_detailsobject

  • statement_descriptorstring

  • transfer_dataobjectConnect only


Returns the invoice object.

POST /v1/invoices/:id
curl \
-u "sk_test_4eC39Hq...arjtT1zdp7dcsk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc:" \
-d "metadata[order_id]"=6735
"id": "in_1MtHbELkdIwHu7ixl4OzzPMv",
"object": "invoice",
"account_country": "US",
"account_name": "Stripe Docs",
"account_tax_ids": null,
"amount_due": 0,
"amount_paid": 0,
"amount_remaining": 0,
"amount_shipping": 0,
"application": null,
"application_fee_amount": null,
"attempt_count": 0,
"attempted": false,
"auto_advance": false,
"automatic_tax": {
"enabled": false,
"liability": null,
"status": null
"billing_reason": "manual",
"charge": null,
"collection_method": "charge_automatically",
"created": 1680644467,
"currency": "usd",
"custom_fields": null,
"customer": "cus_NeZwdNtLEOXuvB",
"customer_address": null,
"customer_email": "[email protected]",
"customer_name": "Jenny Rosen",
"customer_phone": null,
"customer_shipping": null,
"customer_tax_exempt": "none",
"customer_tax_ids": [],
"default_payment_method": null,
"default_source": null,
"default_tax_rates": [],
"description": null,
"discount": null,
"discounts": [],
"due_date": null,
"ending_balance": null,
"footer": null,
"from_invoice": null,
"hosted_invoice_url": null,
"invoice_pdf": null,
"issuer": {
"type": "self"
"last_finalization_error": null,
"latest_revision": null,
"lines": {
"object": "list",
"data": [],
"has_more": false,
"total_count": 0,
"url": "/v1/invoices/in_1MtHbELkdIwHu7ixl4OzzPMv/lines"
"livemode": false,
"metadata": {
"order_id": "6735"
"next_payment_attempt": null,
"number": null,
"on_behalf_of": null,
"paid": false,
"paid_out_of_band": false,
"payment_intent": null,
"payment_settings": {
"default_mandate": null,
"payment_method_options": null,
"payment_method_types": null
"period_end": 1680644467,
"period_start": 1680644467,
"post_payment_credit_notes_amount": 0,
"pre_payment_credit_notes_amount": 0,
"quote": null,
"receipt_number": null,
"rendering_options": null,
"shipping_cost": null,
"shipping_details": null,
"starting_balance": 0,
"statement_descriptor": null,
"status": "draft",
"status_transitions": {
"finalized_at": null,
"marked_uncollectible_at": null,
"paid_at": null,
"voided_at": null
"subscription": null,
"subtotal": 0,
"subtotal_excluding_tax": 0,
"tax": null,
"test_clock": null,
"total": 0,
"total_discount_amounts": [],
"total_excluding_tax": 0,
"total_tax_amounts": [],
"transfer_data": null,
"webhooks_delivered_at": 1680644467