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ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic SystemsJust Accepted
The below articles have been recently accepted to the journal and are currently in the production process. These Author’s Accepted Manuscripts (AAM) will be available for preview until the “Version of Record” is available and assigned to its proper issue. The AAM carries the article’s permanent DOI and can be cited immediately.
September 2024
Assertion-Based Validation using Clustering and Dynamic Refinement of Hardware Checkers

Post-silicon validation is a vital step in System-on-Chip (SoC) design cycle. A major challenge in post-silicon validation is the limited observability of internal signal states using trace buffers. Hardware assertions are promising to improve ...

September 2024
A Bridge-based Algorithm for Simultaneous Primal and Dual Defects Compression on Topologically Quantum-error-corrected Circuits

Topological quantum error correction (TQEC) using the surface code is among the most promising techniques for fault-tolerant quantum circuits. The required resource of a TQEC circuit can be modeled as a space-time volume of a three-dimensional diagram by ...

September 2024
MCMCF-Router: Multi-capacity Ordered Escape Routing Algorithms for Grid/Staggered Pin Array

Ordered escape routing (OER), which means the pins need to be routed to the boundary of a pin array in a given order, is an important research topic in PCB design. Although OER has been widely investigated, most works assume that the routing capacity ...

September 2024
An Efficient Method of DRC Violation Prediction with a Serial Deep Learning Model

In VLSI design, the utilization of Design Rule Check (DRC) tools in the early stage is crucial for predicting and resolving violations, thereby expediting the physical design process. In our study, we present an efficient model that predicts DRC ...

August 2024
Placement Flow Study and Detailed Placement for Hybrid-Row-Height Designs

At the 3nm node, a hybrid-row-height design paradigm has emerged for better power efficiency and performance optimization. A diverse cell library that includes multiple variants of a cell with different fin counts is available. Instead of using cells with ...

August 2024
ZeroD-fender: A Resource-aware IoT Malware Detection Engine via Fine-grained Side-channel Analysis

In early 2023, cyberattacks experienced a significant rise due to unknown (zero-day) malware targeting Internet of Things (IoT) devices. To tackle the challenge of zero-day detection within a highly resource-constrained IoT environment, we propose a novel ...

August 2024
Deadline and Period Assignment for Guaranteeing Timely Response of the Cyber-Physical System

Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) need to respond to each change of each monitored object in time. The entire response process can be divided into two stages: the update stage and the control stage. Tasks in CPSs can thus be divided into two kinds: update ...

August 2024
Transfer Learning Enabled Modeling Paradigm for PVT-aware Circuit Performance Estimation

Designing robust performance models for modern complex digital circuits in the face of rapidly accelerating process variations is a critical yet demanding task. This paper introduces an efficient statistical performance modeling approach for VLSI digital ...

A Robust Newton Iteration Method for Mixed-Cell-Height Circuit Legalization Under Technology and Region Constraints

The evolution of advanced technology nodes has prompted a shift toward mixed-cell-height circuit design, while the introduction of technology and fence region constraints further increases the complexity of placement. In this paper, we innovatively ...

Automatic Test Pattern Generation for Robust Quantum Circuit Testing

Quantum circuit testing is essential for detecting potential faults in realistic quantum devices, while the testing process itself also suffers from the inexactness and unreliability of quantum operations. This paper alleviates the issue by proposing a ...

AmLuCEP: Amalgamating LUT-based Compression and Adaptive Encoding Assisted Block Placement To Improve Lifetime of PCM-based Main Memories

With the rising demands for high capacity memory and poor scalability of the existing DRAM-based main memories, the emerging Non-volatile memories captures higher attention due to their high density and low leakage power consumption. However, the possible ...

Efficient Attacks on Strong PUFs via Covariance and Boolean Modeling

The physical unclonable function (PUF) is a widely used hardware security primitive. Before hacking into a PUF-protected system, intruders typically initiate attacks on the PUF as the first step. Many strong PUF designs have been proposed to thwart non-...

Open Access
Multi-Stream Scheduling of Inference Pipelines on Edge Devices - a DRL Approach

Low-power edge devices equipped with Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are a popular target platform for real-time scheduling of inference pipelines. Such application-architecture combinations are popular in Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) for ...

Open Access
Estimating Power, Performance, and Area for On-Sensor Deployment of AR/VR Workloads Using an Analytical Framework

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality have emerged as the next frontier of intelligent image sensors and computer systems. In these systems, 3D die stacking stands out as a compelling solution, enabling in-situ processing capability of the sensory data ...