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Editorial for the Second Special Issue on “Conceptualizing and Using Theory in Computing Education Research”
In this editorial, we introduce the second set of papers for the special issue “Conceptualizing and Using Theory in CER”. These papers focus on meta level discussion on theories in CER, addressing the definition of theories, what theoretical contributions ...
Reflections on Theory
In this paper, I reflect on how my personal conceptions on “theory” have developed and become more diverse and elaborated during my career. I discuss early conceptions I learned in school and during my university studies, followed by the growing awareness ...
Conceptualizing the Researcher-Theory Relation
In this article, I interrogate the relation between a researcher and the theories that the researcher gets involved with. I use my own trajectory as a computing education researcher as a way to make visible how different conceptions of this relation are ...
Grand Theories or Design Guidelines? Perspectives on the Role of Theory in Computing Education Research
A rich body of empirically grounded results and a solid theory base have often been viewed as signs of a mature discipline. Many disciplines have frequently debated what they should accept as legitimate kinds of theories, the proper roles of theory, and ...
Learning Theories Use and Relationships in Computing Education Research
The use of established and discipline-specific theories within research and practice is an indication of the maturity of a discipline. With computing education research as a relatively young discipline, there has been recent interest in investigating ...
Development and Use of Domain-specific Learning Theories, Models, and Instruments in Computing Education
Use of theory within a field of research provides the foundation for designing effective research programs and establishing a deeper understanding of the results obtained. This, together with the emergence of domain-specific theory, is often taken as an ...
The Different Types of Contributions to Knowledge (in CER): All Needed, But Not All Recognised
The overall aim of this article is to stimulate discussion about the activities within CER, and to develop a more thoughtful and explicit perspective on the different types of research activity within CER, and their relationships with each other. While ...
A Dialog About the Special Issues on Theory
Several authors of articles in the special issue came together for an asynchronous discussion of the articles, surfacing several tensions and opportunities for future work. This summary of the discussion offers a glimpse into these insights.
Investigating K-12 Computing Education in Four African Countries (Botswana, Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda)
Motivation. As K-12 computing education becomes more established throughout the world, there is an increasing focus on accessibility for all, whether in a particular country or setting or in areas of the world that may not yet have computing established. ...
Novice Use of the Java Programming Language
Objectives. Java is a popular programming language for use in computing education, but it is difficult to get a wide picture of the issues that it presents for novices; most studies look only at the types or frequency of errors. In this observational ...
Expert Perspectives on Student Errors in SQL
Prior studies in the Computer Science education literature have illustrated that novices make many mistakes in composing SQL queries. Query formulation proves to be difficult for students. Only recently, some headway was made towards understanding why SQL ...
Practitioner Perspectives on COVID-19’s Impact on Computer Science Education Among High Schools Serving Students from Lower and Higher Income Families
Research Problem. Computer science (CS) education researchers conducting studies that target high school students have likely seen their studies impacted by COVID-19. Interpreting research findings impacted by COVID-19 presents unique challenges that will ...
A Review of Worked Examples in Programming Activities
This article reviews literature on worked examples in the context of programming activities. We focus on two types of examples, namely, code-tracing and code-generation, because there is sufficient research on these to warrant a review. We synthesize key ...
The Perception of Teachers on Usability and Accessibility of Programming Materials for Children with Visual Impairments
Programming education is strongly emerging in elementary and high school. Diversity and inclusion are important topics, however, insights on suited programming materials for younger learners with visual impairments are lacking. A wide range of programming ...
Toward a Competence Model for Graphical Modeling
Modeling is an integral part of many computing-related disciplines and thus also represents a curricular core component in computing education in tertiary education. Competence models in which modeling is integrated at least to some extent already exist ...
Analysis of Software Engineering Skills Gap in the Industry
Many practitioners might struggle with becoming productive in different software engineering (SE) roles due to misalignment of the skills learnt during the university time with what is expected in the industry. Companies spend significant resources to ...