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Volume 19, Issue 3Jun 1982
  • Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  • 3600 University City Science Center Philadelphia, PA
  • United States
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Norm-Preserving Dilations and Their Applications to Optimal Error Bounds

The problem is, given A, B, C, to find D such that $\left\| ( {\begin{array}{*{20}c} A & C \\ B & D \\ \end{array} )} \right\| \leqq \mu $; here we deal with Hilbert-space operators, A, B, and C are given, and $\mu $ is a given positive number. ...

Residual Bounds on Approximate Eigensystems of Nonnormal Matrices

For nonnormal matrices the norms of the residuals of approximate eigenvectors are not by themselves sufficient information to bound the error in the approximate eigenvalue. It is sufficient however to give a bound on the distance to the nearest matrix for ...

The Lanczos Biorthogonalization Algorithm and Other Oblique Projection Methods for Solving Large Unsymmetric Systems

Many powerful methods for solving systems of equations can be regarded as projection methods. Most of the projection methods known for solving linear systems are orthogonal projection methods but little attention has been given to the class of ...

Continuity of the Birkhoff Interpolation

The Birkhoff interpolation polynomial $P(X,t)$, $0 \leqq t \leqq 1$ of a given function depends upon the knots of interpolation, $X:0 \leqq x_1 < x_2 < \cdots < x_m \leqq 1$. There is a natural extension of $P(X,t)$ to the case when some of the knots ...

Multivariate Spline Functions, B-Spline Basis and Polynomial Interpolations

The main result of this paper is a formula relating a multivariate B-spline and a certain directional derivative to a lower order B-spline.

The structure of discontinuous B-splines is given. A formula relates the discontinuous k-variate B-spline to a $(k - ...

On the Eigenvalues of Second Order Elliptic Difference Operators

While there is now an extensive literature on the approximation of the eigenvalue problem for compact operators, these theories do not include the classical finite-difference approximation. In the self-adjoint case the problem is resolved through the ...

Difference Methods for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations with Nonunique Solutions

In this paper the Neumann difference problem for Poisson's equation and the difference problemm for the boundary value problem of the theory of elasticity, when the stresses are given in the boundary of the domain, are considered. This paper investigates ...

An Algebraic Interpretation of Multigrid Methods

The main objective of this paper is to treat the correction cycle of multigrid as a Newton-like method and to analyze it together with relaxation via a natural decomposition of the grid function space. The purpose is to provide a simplified view of ...

A Finite Element Method for a Version of the Boussinesq Equation

A semidiscrete finite element method for a two-point boundary value problem of a version of the Boussinesq equation is analyzed. The method is a combination of the $H^1 $-Galerkin method and the standard Galerkin method. Global convergence estimates and ...

Galerkin Methods for Even-Order Parabolic Equations in One Space Variable

For parabolic equations in one space variable with a strongly coercive self-adjoint $2m$th order spatial operator, a kth degree Faedo–Galerkin method is developed which has local convergence of order $2(K + 1 - m)$ at the knots for the first $m - 1$ ...

A New Group Hopscotch Method for the Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations

In a recent paper, Gourlay (in Advances in Computer Methods for Partial Differential Equations II, IMACS, 1977) has considered several block hopscotch methods to solve parabolic and elliptic partial differential equations. In this paper, a new block ...

On the Backward Euler Method for Parabolic Equations with Rough Initial Data

The backward Euler method is applied for the discretization in time of a general homogeneous parabolic equation in weak form. A short proof is given that, with k the time step, the norm of the error at time t is bounded by $Ckt^{ - 1} $ times the norm of ...

Numerical Treatment of Stochastic Differential Equations

We define general Runge–Kutta approximations for the solution of stochastic differential equations (sde). These approximations are proved to converge in quadratic mean to the solution of an sde with a corrected drift. The explicit form of the correction ...

Solution of Certain Integral Equations with Difference Kernels

We present a method for solving the linear integral equation \[ \int _0^T {R(\exp ( -| x - y| )f(y)dy = S(\exp ( - | t - x| )),\quad 0 \leqq x \leqq T} \] when R and S are given by power series about the origin. The method has a simple derivation and is ...

Remarks on Marti’s Method for Solving First Kind Equations

A convergence theorem for Marti’s method for solving the Fredholm first kind equation $Kf = g$ is corrected. Additional convergence results are given. Marti’s method is shown to be well-posed under perturbations in g and under certain types of ...

Error Estimates for Spectral and Pseudospectral Approximations of Hyperbolic Equations

The linear one-dimensional advection equation with variable coefficients and nonperiodic boundary conditions is considered. We investigate some spectral and pseudospectral (collocation) approximations of Jacobi and Legendre type (in the latter case the ...

A Combinatorial Algorithm Providing Alternating Approximations for a Zero of an M-Function

We describe an algorithm for the approximation of a zero $z^ * $ of an M-function. The essential ingredient is a combinatorial search process for optimal sub- and supersolutions of $z^ * $in a set of equidistant gridpoints. We discuss computational ...

Computation of Critical Boundaries on Equilibrium Manifolds

The study of various equilibrium phenomena leads to nonlinear equations (1) $F(y,u) = 0$, where $y \in R^n $ is a vector of behavior or state variables, $u \in R^p $ a vector of $p \geqq 2$ parameters or controls and $F:D \subset R^n \times R^p \to R^n $...
