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Letter from SIGecom executive committee
Dear SIGecom community,
We, the new SIGecom executives, are honored to be serving as your representatives. First, we'd like to heap praise and thanks on the outgoing executives --- Kevin Leyton-Brown, Michal Feldman, and Jenn Wortman Vaughan --- for ...
SIGecom job market candidate profiles 2020
This is the fifth annual collection of profiles of the junior faculty job market candidates of the SIGecom community. The seventeen candidates for 2020 are listed alphabetically and indexed by research areas that define the interests of the community. ...
Editors' introduction
This issue of SIGecom Exchanges contains a letter from the SIGecom executive committee, the job market candidate profiles for 2020, a survey, three research letters, a short note, and a puzzle.
Informational bounds on equilibria (a survey)
Query complexity and communication complexity of equilibria have been actively studied in the past decade. Recent progress in these fields of informational complexity has led to a quite good understanding of equilibria. This survey summarizes the ...
Multi-dimensional mechanism design via random order contention resolution schemes
Already in 1981 Myerson gave a characterization of the optimal mechanism for a single parameter Bayesian mechanism design. However, till today we have no idea for how such a characterization for the multi-dimensional setting could even look like. ...
Tight revenue gaps among simple and optimal mechanisms
Consider a fundamental problem in microeconomics: selling a single item to a number of potential buyers, who independently draw their values from regular and publicly known distributions. There are four mechanisms widely studied in the literature and ...
Sample complexity of single-parameter revenue maximization
The sample complexity of learning Myerson's optimal auction from i.i.d. samples of bidders' values has received much attention since its introduction by Cole and Roughgarden (STOC 2014). This letter gives a brief introduction of a recent work that ...
Justifications of welfare guarantees under normalized utilities
It is standard in computational social choice to analyse welfare considerations under the assumptions of normalized utilities. In this note, we summarize some common reasons for this approach. We then mention another justification which is ignored but ...
Puzzle: the AI circus: (puzzle in honor of Tuomas Sandholm's 50th birthday)
Please send solutions to the author by e-mail, with the title of this puzzle in the subject header. By agreement with the editors, the best solution will be published in the next issue of SIGecom Exchanges, provided that that solution is of sufficiently ...
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