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Reflects downloads up to 05 Feb 2025Bibliometrics
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On the adaptive Levin method

The Levin method is a well-known technique for evaluating oscillatory integrals, which operates by solving a certain ordinary differential equation in order to construct an antiderivative of the integrand. It was long believed that this approach ...

Monotone discretizations of levelset convex geometric PDEs

We introduce a novel algorithm that converges to level set convex viscosity solutions of high-dimensional Hamilton–Jacobi equations. The algorithm is applicable to a broad class of curvature motion PDEs, as well as a recently developed Hamilton–...

Finite element methods for the stretching and bending of thin structures with folding

In Bonito (J. Comput. Phys. 448:110719, 2022), a local discontinous Galerkin method was proposed for approximating the large bending of prestrained plates, and in Bonito (IMA J. Numer. Anal. 43:627-662, 2023) the numerical properties of this ...

Uniform boundary stabilization of a high-order finite element space discretization of the 1-d wave equation

The aim of this work is to construct and analyze a discretization process that preserves exponential stability at the discrete level for a wave propagation problem with boundary damping when a high-order spectral finite element approximation is ...

On outer bi-Lipschitz extensions of linear Johnson-Lindenstrauss embeddings of subsets of RN

The celebrated Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma states that for all ε(0,1) and finite sets XRN with n>1 elements, there exists a matrix ΦRm×N with m=O(ε-2logn) such that (1-ε)x-y2Φx-Φy2(1+ε)x-y2x,yX.Herein we consider so-called “terminal ...

Weak convergence rates for temporal numerical approximations of the semilinear stochastic wave equation with multiplicative noise

In this work we establish weak convergence rates for temporal discretisations of stochastic wave equations with multiplicative noise, in particular, for the hyperbolic Anderson model. For this class of stochastic partial differential equations the ...

Complex matrix inversion via real matrix inversions

We study the inversion analog of the well-known Gauss algorithm for multiplying complex matrices. A simple version is (A+iB)-1=(A+BA-1B)-1-iA-1B(A+BA-1B)-1 when A is invertible, which may be traced back to Frobenius but has received scant ...

Variational convergence of the Scharfetter–Gummel scheme to the aggregation-diffusion equation and vanishing diffusion limit

In this paper, we explore the convergence of the semi-discrete Scharfetter–Gummel scheme for the aggregation-diffusion equation using a variational approach. Our investigation involves obtaining a novel gradient structure for the finite volume ...

A stable local commuting projector and optimal hp approximation estimates in H(curl)

We design an operator from the infinite-dimensional Sobolev space H(curl) to its finite-dimensional subspace formed by the Nédélec piecewise polynomials on a tetrahedral mesh that has the following properties: (1) it is defined over the entire H(...
