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Volume 51, Issue 7Jul 2021
Reflects downloads up to 29 Jan 2025Bibliometrics
A novel mathematical formulation for solving the dynamic and discrete berth allocation problem by using the Bee Colony Optimisation algorithm

Berth allocation is one of the crucial points for efficient management of ports. This problem is complex due to all possible combinations for assigning ships to available compatible berths. This paper focuses on solving the Berth Allocation ...

A multi objective volleyball premier league algorithm for green scheduling identical parallel machines with splitting jobs

Parallel machine scheduling is one of the most common studied problems in recent years, however, this classic optimization problem has to achieve two conflicting objectives, i.e. minimizing the total tardiness and minimizing the total wastes, if ...

A new SEAIRD pandemic prediction model with clinical and epidemiological data analysis on COVID-19 outbreak

Measuring the spread of disease during a pandemic is critically important for accurately and promptly applying various lockdown strategies, so to prevent the collapse of the medical system. The latest pandemic of COVID-19 that hits the world death ...

A-DBNF: adaptive deep belief network framework for regression and classification tasks

Many machine learning methods and models have been proposed for multivariate data regression and classification in recent years. Most of them are supervised learning methods, which require a large number of labeled data. Moreover, current methods ...

A unified approach for detection of Clickbait videos on YouTube using cognitive evidences

Clickbait is one of the form of false content, purposely designed to attract the user’s attention and make them curious to follow the link and read, view, or listen to the attached content. The teaser aim behind this is to exploit the curiosity ...

Modified non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm III with fine final level selection

Dominance resistance is a challenge for Pareto-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithms to solve the high-dimensional optimization problems. The Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm III (NSGA-III) still has such disadvantage even though it ...

Averaged tree-augmented one-dependence estimators

Ever since the success of naive Bayes (NB) in achieving excellent classification performance and the least computational overhead, more and more researchers have focused their attention on the Bayesian network classifiers (BNCs). Among numerous ...

Memory network with hierarchical multi-head attention for aspect-based sentiment analysis

Aspect-based sentiment analysis is a challenging subtask of sentiment analysis, which aims to identify the sentiment polarities of the given aspect terms in sentences. Previous studies have demonstrated the remarkable progress achieved by memory ...

Deep bi-directional interaction network for sentence matching

The goal of sentence matching is to determine the semantic relation between two sentences, which is the basis of many downstream tasks in natural language processing, such as question answering and information retrieval. Recent studies using ...

A hybrid greedy indicator- and Pareto-based many-objective evolutionary algorithm

As most of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) scale quite poorly when the number of objective functions increases, new strategies have been proposed to face this limitation. Considered one of the most well-succeeded examples of such ...

DcaNAS: efficient convolutional network Design for Desktop CPU platforms

The hardware platform is a significant consideration in efficient CNN model design. Most lightweight networks are based on GPUs and mobile devices. However, they are usually not efficient nor fast enough for desktop CPU platforms. In this paper, ...

Image super-resolution reconstruction based on feature map attention mechanism

To improve the issue of low-frequency and high-frequency components from feature maps being treated equally in existing image super-resolution reconstruction methods, the paper proposed an image super-resolution reconstruction method using ...

Spatial-temporal attention network for multistep-ahead forecasting of chlorophyll

The multistep-ahead prediction of chlorophyll provides an effective means for early warning of red tide. However, since multistep-ahead forecasting presents challenges, such as vague interactive relationships among ocean factors, long-term ...

Ranking influential nodes in complex networks based on local and global structures

Identifying influential nodes in complex networks is an open and challenging issue. Many measures have been proposed to evaluate the influence of nodes and improve the accuracy of measuring influential nodes. In this paper, a new method is ...

Aspect-gated graph convolutional networks for aspect-based sentiment analysis

Aspect-based sentiment analysis aims to predict the sentiment polarity of each specific aspect term in a given sentence. However, the previous models ignore syntactical constraints and long-range sentiment dependencies and mistakenly identify ...

Improved direction-of-arrival estimation method based on LSTM neural networks with robustness to array imperfections

Array imperfections severely degrade the performance of most physics-driven direction-of-arrival (DOA) methods. Deep learning-based methods do not rely on any assumptions, can learn the latent data features of a given dataset, and are expected to ...

Bottom-up multi-agent reinforcement learning by reward shaping for cooperative-competitive tasks

A multi-agent system (MAS) is expected to be applied to various real-world problems where a single agent cannot accomplish given tasks. Due to the inherent complexity in the real-world MAS, however, manual design of group behaviors of agents is ...

An improved multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on multi-scale weighted focus measure

This paper focuses on developing an improved multi-focus image fusion (MFIF) algorithm. Existing spatial domain algorithms dependent on the obtained fusion decision map still lead to unexpected ghosting, blurred, edges as well as blocking effects ...

A novel order evaluation model with nested probabilistic-numerical linguistic information applied to traditional order grabbing mode

With the popularization of information technology and the acceleration of the people’s pace of life, the takeout food industry is prevailing. The choice of order allocation mode plays an important role in order delivery efficiencies. This paper ...

Consistent scale normalization for object perception

Recently, object detection has been a vital aspect in the vision community, while scale variation of objects in images or videos usually brings challenge for performance improvement. To combat this problem, conventional paradigms generally adopt ...

Label flipping attacks against Naive Bayes on spam filtering systems

Label flipping attack is a poisoning attack that flips the labels of training samples to reduce the classification performance of the model. Robustness is used to measure the applicability of machine learning algorithms to adversarial attack. ...

A reasoning enhance network for muti-relation question answering

Multi-relation Question Answering is an important task of knowledge base over question answering (KBQA), multi-relation means that the question contains multiple relations and entity information, so it needs to use the fact triples in the ...

A fast detector generation algorithm for negative selection

Inspired by biological immune systems, the field of artificial immune system (AIS), particularly the negative selection algorithm (NSA), has been proved effective in solving computational problems. However in practical applications, NSA still ...

An RBF-LVQPNN model and its application to time-varying signal classification

A novel technique is proposed for maintaining the diversity of sample features and modeling imbalanced datasets in multi-channel time-varying signal classification. The RBF-LVQPNN consists of a time-varying signal input layer, an RBF process ...

MXQN:Mixed quantization for reducing bit-width of weights and activations in deep convolutional neural networks

Quantization, which involves bit-width reduction, is considered as one of the most effective approaches to rapidly and energy-efficiently deploy deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) on resource-constrained embedded hardware. However, bit-...

Memory-based approaches for eliminating premature convergence in particle swarm optimization

Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a computational method in which a group of particles moves in search space in search of an optimal solution. During this movement, each particle updates its position and velocity with its best previous position ...

Non-parallel text style transfer with domain adaptation and an attention model

Text style transfer, the aim of which is to convert a specific style in a given sentence to another target style while maintaining the style-independent content information of the original sentence, can face challenges when applied to non-parallel ...

BiTE: a dynamic bi-level traffic engineering model for load balancing and energy efficiency in data center networks

With the recent significant growth of virtualization and cloud services, the data center network (DCN) as the underlying infrastructure is more important. The increasing and changing volume of workloads highlights critical issues such as load ...

High-utility and diverse itemset mining

High-utility Itemset Mining (HUIM) finds patterns from a transaction database with their utility no less than a user-defined threshold. The utility of an itemset is defined as the sum of the utilities of its items. The utility notion enables a ...

Bio-inspired self-organized cooperative control consensus for crowded UUV swarm based on adaptive dynamic interaction topology

Cooperative control is currently a challenging topic of crowded unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) swarm. However, individual behavior conflict and chain-avalanche collision involved in this swarm are easily triggered due to the fluctuations and ...
