A comprehensive taxonomy of algorithm animation languages
In this paper, we present a taxonomy of algorithm animation languages that augments Price's well-known taxonomy of software visualization. Whereas Price's taxonomy is directed to classifying features and characteristics of visualization systems, the new ...
Visual extraction of information from web pages
In this paper we present a graphical software system that provides an automatic support to the extraction of information from web pages. The underlying extraction technique exploits the visual appearance of the information in the document, and is driven ...
Dependability issues in visual-haptic interfaces
- Stefano Ricciardi,
- Michele Nappi,
- Luca Paolino,
- Monica Sebillo,
- Giuliana Vitiello,
- Gabriella Gigante,
- Domenico Pascarella,
- Lidia Travascio,
- Angela Vozella
Dependability of a system is commonly referred to its reliability, its availability and its maintenability (RAM), but when this concept is applied to user interfaces there is no common agreement on what aspects of user-system interaction are related to ...
A system for visual role-based policy modelling
The definition of security policies in information systems and programming applications is often accomplished through traditional low level languages that are difficult to use. This is a remarkable drawback if we consider that security policies are ...