Learning continuous time Bayesian networks in non-stationary domains
Non-stationary continuous time Bayesian networks are introduced. They allow the parents set of each node to change over continuous time. Three settings are developed for learning non-stationary continuous time Bayesian networks from data: known ...
PDT logic: a probabilistic doxastic temporal logic for reasoning about beliefs in multi-agent systems
We present Probabilistic Doxastic Temporal (PDT) Logic, a formalism to represent and reason about probabilistic beliefs and their temporal evolution in multi-agent systems. This formalism enables the quantification of agents' beliefs through probability ...
Optimal partial-order plan relaxation via MaxSAT
Partial-order plans (POPs) are attractive because of their least-commitment nature, which provides enhanced plan flexibility at execution time relative to sequential plans. Current research on automated plan generation focuses on producing sequential ...
Lightweight random indexing for polylingual text classification
Multilingual Text Classification (MLTC) is a text classification task in which documents are written each in one among a set L of natural languages, and in which all documents must be classified under the same classification scheme, irrespective of ...
Multi-objective reinforcement learning through continuous pareto manifold approximation
Many real-world control applications, from economics to robotics, are characterized by the presence of multiple conflicting objectives. In these problems, the standard concept of optimality is replaced by Pareto-optimality and the goal is to find the ...
Goal probability analysis in MDP probabilistic planning: exploring and enhancing the state of the art
Unavoidable dead-ends are common in many probabilistic planning problems, e.g. when actions may fail or when operating under resource constraints. An important objective in such settings is MaxProb, determining the maximal probability with which the ...
Effective heuristics for suboptimal best-first search
Suboptimal heuristic search algorithms such as weighted A* and greedy best-first search are widely used to solve problems for which guaranteed optimal solutions are too expensive to obtain. These algorithms crucially rely on a heuristic function to ...
Scrubbing during learning in real-time heuristic search
Real-time agent-centered heuristic search is a well-studied problem where an agent that can only reason locally about the world must travel to a goal location using bounded computation and memory at each step. Many algorithms have been proposed for this ...
A primer on neural network models for natural language processing
Over the past few years, neural networks have re-emerged as powerful machine-learning models, yielding state-of-the-art results in fields such as image recognition and speech processing. More recently, neural network models started to be applied also to ...
Embarrassingly parallel search in constraint programming
We introduce an Embarrassingly Parallel Search (EPS) method for solving constraint problems in parallel, and we show that this method matches or even outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms on a number of problems using various computing ...
PROMOCA: probabilistic modeling and analysis of agents in commitment protocols
Social commitment protocols regulate interactions of agents in multiagent systems. Several methods have been developed to analyze properties of commitment protocols. However, analysis of an agent's behavior in a commitment protocol, which should take ...
A survey of computational treatments of biomolecules by robotics-inspired methods modeling equilibrium structure and dynamics
More than fifty years of research in molecular biology have demonstrated that the ability of small and large molecules to interact with one another and propagate the cellular processes in the living cell lies in the ability of these molecules to assume ...
Convergence of iterative scoring rules
In multiagent systems, social choice functions can help aggregate the distinct preferences that agents have over alternatives, enabling them to settle on a single choice. Despite the basic manipulability of all reasonable voting systems, it would still ...
P-syncBB: a privacy preserving branch and bound DCOP algorithm
Distributed constraint optimization problems enable the representation of many combinatorial problems that are distributed by nature. An important motivation for such problems is to preserve the privacy of the participating agents during the solving ...
A disaster response system based on human-agent collectives
- Sarvapali D. Ramchurn,
- Trung Dong Huynh,
- Feng Wu,
- Yuki Ikuno,
- Jack Flann,
- Luc Moreau,
- Joel E. Fischer,
- Wenchao Jiang,
- Tom Rodden,
- Edwin Simpson,
- Steven Reece,
- Stephen Roberts,
- Nicholas R. Jennings
Major natural or man-made disasters such as Hurricane Katrina or the 9/11 terror attacks pose significant challenges for emergency responders. First, they have to develop an understanding of the unfolding event either using their own resources or ...
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