An integrative hierarchical stepwise sampling strategy for spatial sampling and its application in digital soil mapping
Sampling design plays an important role in spatial modeling. Existing methods often require a large amount of samples to achieve desired mapping accuracy, but imply considerable cost. When there are not enough resources for collecting a large set of ...
Rapid three-dimensional urban model production using bilayered displacement mapping
The depiction and navigation of large-scale urban landscapes are limited by the great cost of traditional computer-aided design CAD models for large urban environment in terms of both the labor of data entry and the runtime computational expense. This ...
A comparison of multiple indicator kriging and area-to-point Poisson kriging for mapping patterns of herbivore species abundance in Kruger National Park, South Africa
Kruger National Park KNP, South Africa, provides protected habitats for the unique animals of the African savannah. For the past 40 years, annual aerial surveys of herbivores have been conducted to aid management decisions based on 1 the spatial ...
Land-use configuration under traditional agriculture in the Kanto Plain, Japan: a historical GIS analysis
Under traditional agriculture, Japanese farm communities arranged land uses to collect natural resources from the surrounding landscape to support intensive cultivation nearby villages. This may have produced a land-use pattern analogous to the European ...
Establishing a national standard for 3D topographic data compliant to CityGML
This article describes a research project that realised a national standard for 3D geo-information. The standard was developed as part of a pilot in which more than 65 private, public and scientific organisations collaborated to analyse and push 3D ...
Ad hoc matching of vectorial road networks
<bold>General Terms:</bold>Algorithms, Experimentation
An orthogonal least-square-based method for DEM generalization
A new method based on orthogonal least square OLS of multiquadric algorithm MOLS is proposed for digital elevation model DEM generalization by the retrieval of critical points from a grid-based DEM to construct a triangulated irregular network surface. ...
Toward an inclusive semantic interoperability: the case of Cree hydrographic features
There has been ample work in GIScience on the formalization of ontologies but a relatively neglected area is the influence of language and culture on ontologies of geography. Although this subject has been investigated for conceptual ontologies using ...
Point-and curve-based geometric conflation
Geometric conflation is the process undertaken to modify the coordinates of features in dataset A in order to match corresponding ones in dataset B. The overwhelming majority of the literature considers the use of points as features to define the ...