Rich Media, Poor Media
Authoring of rich media content is not prevalent despite efforts to develop standards, tools, and platforms. Average users prefer to keep it simple. However, growing interest in stylizing content and pinning media objects is putting average users on a ...
Don't Click Here
One of the most important aspects of multimedia research is mining data about user behavior. In a world with one or fewer clicks per piece of content, one needs a lot of users to get a meaningful signal. A monetization ecosystem now directs multimedia ...
Leveraging Parallel Computing in Modern Video Coding Standards
Video coding has always been a computationally intensive process. Although dramatic improvements in coding efficiency have been realized in recent years, the algorithms have become increasingly complex and there is a broader recognition that it is ...
Large-Scale Multimedia Data Collections
The widespread adoption of smartphones equipped with high-quality image-capturing capabilities coupled with the prevalent use of social networks have resulted in an explosive growth of social media content. People now routinely capture the scenes around ...
The Community and the Crowd: Multimedia Benchmark Dataset Development
The MediaEval Multimedia Benchmark leveraged community cooperation and crowdsourcing to develop a large Internet video dataset for its Genre Tagging and Rich Speech Retrieval tasks.
Building Reliable and Reusable Test Collections for Image Retrieval: The Wikipedia Task at ImageCLEF
The ImageCLEF Wikipedia image retrieval task aimed to support ad-hoc image retrieval evaluation using large-scale collections of Wikipedia images and their user-generated annotations.
Collecting Large, Richly Annotated Facial-Expression Databases from Movies
Two large facial-expression databases depicting challenging real-world conditions were constructed using a semi-automatic approach via a recommender system based on subtitles.
A Threefold Dataset for Activity and Workflow Recognition in Complex Industrial Environments
- Athanasios Voulodimos,
- Dimitrios Kosmopoulos,
- Georgios Vasileiou,
- Emmanuel Sardis,
- Vasileios Anagnostopoulos,
- Constantinos Lalos,
- Anastasios Doulamis,
- Theodora Varvarigou
Unlike any previous effort, the Workflow Recognition (WR) large-scale dataset is a collection of video sequences from the real industrial manufacturing environment of a major automobile manufacturer.
Indexing Large Online Multimedia Repositories Using Semantic Expansion and Visual Analysis
The proposed framework automatically predicts user tags for online videos from their visual features and associated textual metadata, which is semantically expanded using complementary textual resources.
Copyright Protection for E-Government Document Images
The proposed copyright protection scheme combines the discrete cosine transform (DCT) and singular value decomposition (SVD) using a control parameter to avoid the false-positive problem.
Mobile Media in Action: Remote Target Localization and Tracking
Smartphones have come a long way over the past 10 years—from containing a simple database of calendar entries and contacts to including a digital camera, digital compass, GPS, and thousands of apps available with the touch of a button on the screen. ...
NExT: NUS-Tsinghua Center for Extreme Search of User-Generated Content
The Web has revolutionized the way we create, disseminate, and consume information. Users have changed from passive recipients of information to active content consumers and creators, and the nature of information has also changed from static text to ...
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This article features some of the latest advances in multimedia technology.