An Efficient Cost Model for Optimization of Nearest Neighbor Search in Low and Medium Dimensional Spaces
Existing models for nearest neighbor search in multidimensional spaces are not appropriate for query optimization because they either lead to erroneous estimation or involve complex equations that are expensive to evaluate in real-time. This paper ...
Content-Based Image Retrieval Based on a Fuzzy Approach
A typical content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system would need to handle the vagueness in the user queries as well as the inherent uncertainty in image representation, similarity measure, and relevance feedback. In this paper, we discuss how fuzzy set ...
Managing Deadline Miss Ratio and Sensor Data Freshness in Real-Time Databases
The demand for real-time data services is increasing in many applications including e-commerce, agile manufacturing, and telecommunications network management. In these applications, it is desirable to execute transactions within their deadlines, i.e., ...
Recovery of PTUIE Handling from Source Codes through Recognizing Its Probable Properties
Automated recovery of system features and their designs from program source codes is important in reverse engineering and system comprehension. It also helps in the testing of software. An error that is made by users in an input to an execution of a ...
Specifying Mining Algorithms with Iterative User-Defined Aggregates
We present a way of exploiting domain knowledge in the design and implementation of data mining algorithms, with special attention to frequent patterns discovery, within a deductive framework. In our framework, domain knowledge is represented by way of ...
An Efficient Subspace Sampling Framework for High-Dimensional Data Reduction, Selectivity Estimation, and Nearest-Neighbor Search
Data reduction can improve the storage, transfer time, and processing requirements of very large data sets. One of the challenges of designing effective data reduction techniques is to be able to preserve the ability to use the reduced format directly ...
Selective and Authentic Third-Party Distribution of XML Documents
Third-party architectures for data publishing over the Internet today are receiving growing attention, due to their scalability properties and to the ability of efficiently managing large number of subjects and great amount of data. In a third-party ...
Efficient Phrase-Based Document Indexing for Web Document Clustering
Document clustering techniques mostly rely on single term analysis of the document data set, such as the Vector Space Model. To achieve more accurate document clustering, more informative features including phrases and their weights are particularly ...
Making the Threshold Algorithm Access Cost Aware
Assume a database storing N objects with d numerical attributes or feature values. All objects in the database can be assigned an overall score that is derived from their single feature values (and the feature values of a user-defined query). The ...
Efficient Time-Bound Hierarchical Key Assignment Scheme
The access privileges in distributed systems can be effectively organized as a hierarchical tree that consists of distinct classes. A hierarchical time-bound key assignment scheme is to assign distinct cryptographic keys to distinct classes according to ...
Blocking Reduction Strategies in Hierarchical Text Classification
One common approach in hierarchical text classification involves associating classifiers with nodes in the category tree and classifying text documents in a top-down manner. Classification methods using this top-down approach can scale well and cope ...
Comments on "A Practical (t,n) Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme Based on the RSA Cryptosystem'
In a (t,n) threshold proxy signature scheme, the original signer can delegate his/her signing capability to n proxy signers such that any t or more proxy signers can sign messages on behalf of the former, but t-1 or less of them cannot do the same ...