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Volume 9, Issue 2April 2024
  • John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • 605 Third Ave. New York, NY
  • United States
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Open Access
Cloud‐based video streaming services: Trends, challenges, and opportunities

Cloud computing has drastically changed the delivery and consumption of live streaming content. The designs, challenges, and possible uses of cloud computing for live streaming are studied. A comprehensive overview of the technical and business ...

Open Access
Machine learning and human‐machine trust in healthcare: A systematic survey

As human‐machine interaction (HMI) in healthcare continues to evolve, the issue of trust in HMI in healthcare has been raised and explored. It is critical for the development and safety of healthcare that humans have proper trust in medical ...

Open Access
Learning feature alignment and dual correlation for few‐shot image classification

Few‐shot image classification is the task of classifying novel classes using extremely limited labelled samples. To perform classification using the limited samples, one solution is to learn the feature alignment (FA) information between the ...

Open Access
Mixed‐decomposed convolutional network: A lightweight yet efficient convolutional neural network for ocular disease recognition

Eye health has become a global health concern and attracted broad attention. Over the years, researchers have proposed many state‐of‐the‐art convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to assist ophthalmologists in diagnosing ocular diseases ...

Open Access
Rule acquisition of three‐way semi‐concept lattices in formal decision context

Three‐way concept analysis is an important tool for information processing, and rule acquisition is one of the research hotspots of three‐way concept analysis. However, compared with three‐way concept lattices, three‐way semi‐concept lattices ...

Open Access
3D reconstruction and defect pattern recognition of bonding wire based on stereo vision

Non‐destructive detection of wire bonding defects in integrated circuits (IC) is critical for ensuring product quality after packaging. Image‐processing‐based methods do not provide a detailed evaluation of the three‐dimensional defects of the ...

Open Access
Car‐following strategy of intelligent connected vehicle using extended disturbance observer adjusted by reinforcement learning

Disturbance observer‐based control method has achieved good results in the car‐following scenario of intelligent and connected vehicle (ICV). However, the gain of conventional extended disturbance observer (EDO)‐based control method is usually ...

Open Access
Multi‐scale cross‐domain alignment for person image generation

Person image generation aims to generate images that maintain the original human appearance in different target poses. Recent works have revealed that the critical element in achieving this task is the alignment of appearance domain and pose ...

Open Access
A verifiable essential secret image sharing scheme based on HLRs (VESIS‐(t, s, k, n))

In traditional secret image sharing schemes, a secret image is shared among shareholders who have the same position. But if the shareholders have two different positions, essential and non‐essential, it is necessary to use essential secret image ...

Open Access
An object detection approach with residual feature fusion and second‐order term attention mechanism

Automatically detecting and locating remote occlusion small objects from the images of complex traffic environments is a valuable and challenging research. Since the boundary box location is not sufficiently accurate and it is difficult to ...

Open Access
Deep reinforcement learning using least‐squares truncated temporal‐difference

Policy evaluation (PE) is a critical sub‐problem in reinforcement learning, which estimates the value function for a given policy and can be used for policy improvement. However, there still exist some limitations in current PE methods, such as ...

Open Access
Attention‐based network embedding with higher‐order weights and node attributes

Network embedding aspires to learn a low‐dimensional vector of each node in networks, which can apply to diverse data mining tasks. In real‐life, many networks include rich attributes and temporal information. However, most existing embedding ...

Open Access
Generative adversarial networks based motion learning towards robotic calligraphy synthesis

Robot calligraphy visually reflects the motion capability of robotic manipulators. While traditional researches mainly focus on image generation and the writing of simple calligraphic strokes or characters, this article presents a generative ...

Open Access
Geometric prior guided hybrid deep neural network for facial beauty analysis

Facial beauty analysis is an important topic in human society. It may be used as a guidance for face beautification applications such as cosmetic surgery. Deep neural networks (DNNs) have recently been adopted for facial beauty analysis and have ...

Open Access
Two kinds of average approximation accuracy

Rough set theory places great importance on approximation accuracy, which is used to gauge how well a rough set model describes a target concept. However, traditional approximation accuracy has limitations since it varies with changes in the ...

Open Access
A multi‐feature‐based intelligent redundancy elimination scheme for cloud‐assisted health systems

Redundancy elimination techniques are extensively investigated to reduce storage overheads for cloud‐assisted health systems. Deduplication eliminates the redundancy of duplicate blocks by storing one physical instance referenced by multiple ...

Open Access
An artificial systems, computational experiments and parallel execution‐based surface electromyogram‐driven anti‐disturbance zeroing neurodynamic strategy for upper limb human‐robot interaction control

In recent years, intelligent robots are extensively applied in the field of the industry and intelligent rehabilitation, wherein the human‐robot interaction (HRI) control strategy is a momentous part that needs to be ameliorated. Specially, the ...

Open Access
A versatile humanoid robot platform for dexterous manipulation and human–robot collaboration

Humanoid robots have attracted much attention by virtue of their compatibility with human environments. However, biped humanoids with immense promise still cannot function steadily and reliably in real‐world settings in the current state. Hence, ...
