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Special Issue Proposals

ACM TCPS invites proposals for special issues within the scope of the journal. A special issue provides a well-defined venue for publication of state-of-the-art research papers relate to a common theme and serves as a catalyst for an emerging research trend. A special issue should aim to attract at least around 20 submissions.

A special issue proposal should contain the following items of information:

  • Title of the special issue
  • An extended abstract detailing the focus of the special issue, its relevance to the TCPS community, and the importance and timeliness of the topic.
  • Following the extended abstract, a list of topics of interest for the special issue.
  • A list of potential contributors and their respective affiliations.
  • Biographies of the guest editors.
  • Tentative timeline from call for papers to final acceptance.

Guidelines for the guest editor team:

The submitted special issue proposal will be evaluated by the TCPS editor-in-chief and the editorial board.