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Engineering education funding at the National Science Foundation
The goal of this session is to increase the participants' knowledge of current funding opportunities at the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support projects with potential significant impacts on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)...
SMART START: Designing impact-driven projects
The FIE conference has throughout its history emphasized work at the frontiers of education. This pre-conference workshop reflects a policy shift at the National Science Foundation, Department of Education, and Department of Defense, and others who have ...
Increase your project's success through coordinated communication: Research and practice
Engineering education researchers focus on research, putting research into practice, and creating innovative practice. These foci require meaningful communication that elicits a desired response (e.g. adoption of innovation). Innovation advocates and ...
Building your team of change champions
This interactive workshop uses the metaphor of a baseball team to illustrate the variety of people-roles involved in making educational improvements happen, as well as the academic ecosystem in which these changes occur. When making smaller-scale changes, ...
Entrepreneurial minded learning in app development courses
Engineering courses often make use of term projects to tie together course concepts and enable open-ended learning. Projects can also be used to teach entrepreneurial-minded learning (EML). At Rose-Hulman we offer mobile/web app development in 4 different ...
Signal processing and machine learning concepts using the reflections echolocation app
This paper describes the use of a space usage determination algorithm for teaching signal processing and machine learning concepts to undergraduate electrical engineering and computer science students. An Android device transmits a high-frequency signal ...
SimVascular as an instructional tool in the classroom
SimVascular is an open source software platform for cardiovascular simulation, providing a complete pipeline from medical image data to volumetric model construction, meshing, and blood flow simulation. Previous workshops and educational programs have ...
Persuasive technology: Applications in education
- Sam Devincenzi,
- Viviani Kwecko,
- Fernando Pereira de Toledo,
- Fernanda Pinto Mota,
- Jonas Casarin,
- Silvia Silva da Costa Botelho
The first Persuasive Technology (PT) emerged in the 1970s, and was being defined as an interactive computer system used to change human behavior. Research has shown the viability of these technologies in a variety of contexts such as advertising, reducing ...
Beginning to understand variation in teaching approaches to game-based learning
Recently, games have grown in popularity as tools to support student learning and motivation. Accordingly, games represent one possible contributor to student motivation, an outcome of engineering education particularly important to learning and to ...
A serious game to support the drug misuse prevention for teenagers students
The lack of success of advertising campaigns on drug use is attributed to the use of inappropriate language at a young audience. It is believe that an approach based on digital games can achieve greater success because they offer the attractive ...
DataRPG: Improving student motivation in data science through gaming elements
The amount of data is exploding, and by all estimations will continue its exponential growth. This has led to an increased demand for engineers and data scientists. However, courses imparting crucial ideas from data design, administration and maintenance ...
Placating plato with plates of pasta: An interactive tool for teaching the dining philosophers problem
There has been a recent surge in the need for computer science educational resources. Often, this need is addressed with computer-based learning tools. However, many of these tools target coding skills and software design rather than teaching foundational ...
Using threshold concepts to restructure an electrical and computer engineering curriculum: Troublesome knowledge in expected outcomes
Virginia Tech is in the process of an intensive restructuring of its Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) department, driven by an NSF Revolutionizing Engineering Department (RED) grant. As a natural first step, discussion has centered on how the ...
An overview of the microethics and macroethics education of computing students in the United States
The literature does not include a good synthesis of how ethics, particularly macroethical issues, are integrated into the education of computing versus engineering students. Survey responses from faculty who teach computing students (n=188) were ...
Design and implementation of an enterprise integrated project environment: Experience from an information systems program
Real world information technology projects cut across multiple business domains and processes, involve large amounts of data and an assortment of different technologies. Advanced courses within an IS programs must include projects that help students gain ...
Integrating NEMS/MEMS with IoT applications into an innovative ECE senior elective course
State of the art technologies in micro- and nano-electromechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS) devices have been proposed to address important issues in renewable energies, health sciences, consumer electronics, and information technology. Incorporation of ...
Improving communication in multicultural teams — A web-based model and its application in project management education
Technical solution skills — though important — are not enough for effective, multicultural teamwork. Despite broad consensus on the vital function of communication- and social skills, they tend to be underrepresented in the training of ...
Development of a method to study real-time engineering writing processes
Engineering writing and communication is increasingly required of engineering undergraduate and graduate students; yet this call is rarely met through research-based methods. This research posits that deep investigation of the cognitive processes within ...
Using practice architectures to investigate the invisibility of writing practices in the engineering curriculum
Written communication is neither systematically developed nor practised in the engineering curriculum, despite expectations by universities and employers that engineering graduates will be proficient communicators, and despite interventions to develop ...
The efficacy of Hartley's “structured format” in the teaching and assessment of abstract writing
The abstract is the quintessential technical writing genre, because abstract writing involves judiciously selecting content and conveying such content in lean, focused writing. This study tested the efficacy of the structured abstract content framework, ...
Assessing students' higher education performance in minority and non-minority serving universities
Quality of the offered higher education for the next generations plays an important role to shape the future of United States. To improve American society, it is needed to pay profound attention to higher education of racial/ethnic minorities and ensure ...
A diversity lens on the last decade of the FIE conference: Role models for the engineering community
Earlier studies have analyzed FIE and the community built around it, e.g. the origin, format, and future direction of the conference. We propose a new lens: that of diversity, with the motivation of identifying potential role models or the lack thereof. ...
People like me increasing likelihood of success for underrepresented minorities in STEM by providing realistic and relatable role models
Seeing themselves represented in the role models they aspire to, has been shown to be important to students' sense of belonging and success. Underrepresented college students in STEM fields are exposed to only a small set of role models. This set often ...
Building a competitive STEM-C workforce in a Minority Spanish Institution
Although quite recently our diversity and inclusion core values were challenged, we should not forget to recognize the importance and value of bringing together students from underrepresented minorities and their different perspectives into our various ...
The development process for a new materials science conceptual evaluation
In this work, we introduce the Materials Science Conceptual Evaluation (MSCE). This is a 31 item multiple choice test designed to complement the Materials Concept Inventory (MCI) developed in 2002 by Krause et al. In developing this assessment, we ...
Proposal of an instrument for measuring situational motivation with potential applications in educational contexts
- Fernanda Pinto Mota,
- Hendry Ferreira Chame,
- Fernando Pereira de Toledo,
- Viviani Kwecko,
- Silvia Silva da Costa Botelho
The study of the motivational aspect and its relevance to the comprehension of the efficacy of learning has been the subject matter of several researches. According to the Self-determination Theory (SDT) there is a relation between the context, the ...
The engineering student identity scale a cross disciplinary exploration of factor structure
To correctly engage in the instrument development process takes time. According to Benson's model of construct validation (1) there are at least three lengthy stages (substantive, structural, external) to construct validation when developing a new ...
Developing a concept inventory for computer science 2
Computer Science 2 is one of the core elements of any computer science program; however, there has been little progress towards the development of a concept inventory for this key introductory course for CS majors. Plans to address this gap using the ...
Stimulating curiosity and the ability to formulate technical questions in an electric circuits course using the question formulation technique (QFT)
One of the key goals as an educator is to stimulate the curiosity of students in order to instill a desire to further explore and learn the subject matter outside of the classroom. Another important goal, often underemphasized, is to enhance the student's ...
Conducting a social constructivist epistemology for students of computing disciplines
There have been some social constructivist learning approaches used in computing sciences (CS) education, but none of them has actually validated the student reflection process, which is a critical component of the action learning associated with them. ...
2016 IEEE Education Society Awards, 2016 Frontiers in Education Conference Awards, and Selected IEEE Awards
The IEEE Education Society, the IEEE Computer Society, and the American Society for Engineering Education Educational Research and Methods Division (ASEE ERM) sponsored the 46th Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference in Erie, PA, USA, held October 12–...