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PASTE '04: Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT workshop on Program analysis for software tools and engineering
ACM2004 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
PASTE04: PASTE '04 - ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering ( co-located with PLDI 2004 Conference ) Washington DC USA June 7 - 8, 2004
07 June 2004
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This volume contains the papers presented at the Fifth ACM SIGPLAN/SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering (PASTE 2004), co-located with the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), on June 7-8, 2004 in Washington, DC.Sophisticated program analysis is more and more used in sophisticated development and maintenance tools. Coming from optimizing compilers, program analysis has found several new applications in understanding, debugging, testing, and reverse engineering programs. In addition, new program analysis techniques have been developed specifically for these tasks. PASTE 2004 provides a forum for bringing together members of the program analysis, software tools, and software engineering communities to focus on program analysis techniques in software tools.Continuing the tradition of earlier PASTE workshops, the program committee aimed at a true workshop format, with a combination of technical paper presentations, three invited talks (by Gary Leavens, Michael Ernst, and Patrice Godefroid), and ample time for lively ad hoc presentations and discussions.A record number of 37 papers were submitted, out of which the program committee selected 10 for presentation. Each paper was reviewed by at least three committee members. Special thanks go to Colin Blundell, Michael Hind, Manos Renieris, and Tao Xie for their assistance in evaluating the submissions.

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Invited Talk: JML framed!

This talk will try to frame JML in two senses. The first is the sense of placing JML in the context of other specification languages and tools. This context will be provided by giving a brief introduction to JML, with small examples. The different tools ...

SESSION: Static analysis
Resolving and applying constraint queries on context-sensitive analyses

A context-sensitive analysis is an analysis in which program elements are assigned sets of properties that depend upon the context in which they occur. For analyses on imperative languages, this often refers to considering the behavior of statements in ...

Validation of assembler programs for DSPs: a static analyzer

Digital Signal Processors are widely used in critical embedded systems to pilot low-level, often critical functionalities. We describe a static analyzer based on abstract interpretation and designed to validate industrial assembler programs for a DSP. ...

SESSION: Evaluation
Evaluating the imprecision of static analysis

This work discusses two non-traditional approaches for evaluating the imprecision of static analysis. The approaches are based on proofs of feasibility or infeasibility that are constructed manually by the experimenters. We also describe our initial ...

An improved slicer for Java

We present an improved slicing algorithm for Java. The best algorithm known so far, first presented in [11], is not always precise if nested objects are used as actual parameters. The new algorithm presented in this paper always generates correct and ...

SESSION: Dynamic analysis
Dynamically inferring temporal properties

Model checking requires a specification of the target system's desirable properties, some of which are temporal. Formulating a temporal property of the system based on either its abstract model or implementation requires a deep understanding of its ...

The design and implementation of FIT: a flexible instrumentation toolkit

This paper presents FIT, a Flexible open-source binary code Instrumentation Toolkit. Unlike existing tools, FIT is truly portable, with existing backends for the Alpha, x86 and ARM architectures and the Tru64Unix, Linux and ARM Firmware execution ...

Invited Talk Static and dynamic analysis: synergy and duality

This talk presents two sets of observations relating static and dynamic analysis. The first concerns synergies between static and dynamic analysis. Wherever one is utilized, the other may also be applied, often in a complementary way, and existing ...

Invited Talk: "Model checking" software with VeriSoft

VeriSoft is a tool for systematically testing concurrent reactive software systems. It explores the state space (dynamic behavior) of a system by driving and observing the execution of its components using a run-time scheduler, and by reinitializing ...

SESSION: Pointer analysis
Efficient field-sensitive pointer analysis for C

The subject of this paper is flow- and context-insensitive pointer analysis. We present a novel approach for precisely modelling struct variables and indirect function calls. Our method emphasises efficiency and simplicity and extends the language of ...

Importance of heap specialization in pointer analysis

Specialization of heap objects is critical for pointer analysis to effectively analyze complex memory activity. This paper discusses heap specialization with respect to call chains. Due to the sheer number of distinct call chains, exhaustive ...

SESSION: Testing and coverage
Mock object creation for test factoring

Test factoring creates fast, focused unit tests from slow system-wide tests; each new unit test exercises only a subset of the functionality exercised by the system tests. Augmenting a test suite with factored unit tests, and prioritizing the tests, ...

Elided conditionals

Many software testing and automated debugging tools rely on structural coverage techniques. Such tools implicitly assume a relation between individual control-flow choices made in conditional statements during a program run and the outcome of the run. ...

  • University of California, Santa Cruz
  • CISPA - Helmholtz Center for Information Security


Acceptance Rates

PASTE '04 Paper Acceptance Rate 10 of 37 submissions, 27%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 57 of 159 submissions, 36%
PASTE '1313754%
PASTE '04371027%
PASTE '0226935%
PASTE '01241354%
PASTE '9931826%
PASTE '98281036%