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MemSpy: analyzing memory system bottlenecks in programs
To cope with the increasing difference between processor and main memory speeds, modern computer systems use deep memory hierarchies. In the presence of such hierarchies, the performance attained by an application is largely determined by its memory ...
An analysis of dynamic page placement on a NUMA multiprocessor
The class of NUMA (nonuniform memory access time) shared memory architectures is becoming increasingly important with the desire for larger scale multiprocessors. In such machines, the placement and movement of code and data are crucial to performance. ...
Analysis of the generalized clock buffer replacement scheme for database transaction processing
The CLOCK algorithm is a popular buffer replacement algorithm because of its simplicity and its ability to approximate the performance of the Least Recently Used (LRU) replacement policy. The Generalized Clock (GCLOCK) buffer replacement policy uses a ...
A reservation based cyclic server queue with limited service
In this paper, we examine a problem which is an extension of the limited service in a queueing system with a cyclic server. In this service mechanism, each queue, after receiving service in cycle j, makes a reservation for its service requirement in ...
Analysis of file I/O traces in commercial computing environments
Improving the performance of the file system is becoming increasingly important to alleviate the effect of I/O bottlenecks in computer systems. To design changes to an existing file system or to architect a new file system it is important to understand ...
Cluster-based file replication in large-scale distributed systems
The increasing need for data sharing in large-scale distributed systems may place a heavy burden on critical resources such as file servers and networks. Our examination of the workload in one large commercial engineering environment shows that wide-...
Performance analysis of dynamic finite versioning for concurrent transaction and query processing
In this paper, we analyze the performance of dynamic finite versioning (DFV) schemes for concurrent transaction and query processing, where a finite number of consistent snapshots can be derived for query access. We develop analytical models based on a ...
Performance analysis of locking policies with limited wait depth
The performance of a transaction processing system with the standard two-phase locking (2PL) concurrency control (CC) method (with the general waiting policy upon a lock conflict) may be degraded significantly due to transaction blocking in a high lock ...
On computing per-session performance bounds in high-speed multi-hop computer networks
We present a technique for computing upper bounds on the distribution of individual per-session performance measures such as delay and buffer occupancy for networks in which sessions may be routed over several “hops.” Our approach is based on first ...
Algorithmic approach to bounding the mean response time of a minimum expected delay routing system
In this paper we present an algorithmic approach to bounding the mean response time of a multi-server system in which the minimum expected delay routing policy issued, i.e., an arriving job will join the queue which has the minimal expected value of ...
State space exploration in Markov models
Performance and dependability analysis is usually based on Markov models. One of the main problems faced by the analyst is the large state space cardinality of the Markov chain associated with the model, which precludes not only the model solution, but ...
Factors in the performance of the AN1 computer network
AN1 (formerly known as Autonet) is a local area network composed of crossbar switches interconnected by 100Mbit/second, full-duplex links. In this paper, we evaluate the performance impact of certain choices in the AN1 design. These include the use of ...
Performance comparison of routing protocols using MaRS: distance-vector versus link-state
There are two approaches to adaptive routing protocols for wide-area store-and-forward networks: distance-vector and link-state. Distance-vector algorithms use O(N x e) storage at each node, whereas link-state algorithms use O(N2), where N is the number ...
Closed-loop control with delayed information
The theory of Markov Control Model with Perfect State Information (MCM-PSI) requires that the current state of the system is known to the decision maker at decision instants. Otherwise, one speaks of Markov Control Model with Imperfect State Information ...
Analytical models of combining Banyan networks
We present in this paper an analytical model of a multistage combining Banyan network with output buffered switches, in hot-sport traffic. In a combining network, packets bound for the same destination are combined into one if they meet at a switch; ...
Performance analysis of “Time Warp” with limited memory
The behavior of n interacting processes synchronized by the “Time Warp” rollback mechanism is analyzed under the constraint that the total amount of memory to execute the program is limited. In Time Warp, a protocol called “cancelback” has been proposed ...
Scheduling parallelizable tasks: putting it all on the shelf
In this paper we formulate the following natural multiprocessor scheduling problem: Consider a parallel system with P processors. Suppose that there are Ntasks to be scheduled on this system, and that the execution time of each task j ε {1,…,N} is a ...
Stationary likelihood ratios and smoothed perturbation analysis gradient estimates for the routing problem
We present stationary and regenerative form estimates for the gradients of the cycle variables with respect to a thinning parameter in the arrival process of G/G/1 queueing systems. Our estimates belong to the category of the likelihood ratio method (...
Studying the performance properties of concurrent programs by simulation experiments on synthetic programs
We have developed a methodology for constructing performance models of different types of concurrent programs, and hence obtaining estimates of execution times on different multiprocessor machines. A given class of program is characterized in terms of a ...
Performance analysis of communications in static interconnection networks
We present a model, based on a network of DX/D/1 queues, to predict the communication performance of static interconnection networks under various communication patterns. Our model predicts delay time distributions in the links as well as the first and ...
Characterization of database access skew in a transaction processing environment
The knowledge of access skew (non-uniform access) in each database relation is useful for both workload management (buffer pool allocation, transaction routing, etc.), as well as capacity planning for changing workload mix. However, it is a challenging ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 1992 ACM SIGMETRICS joint international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
SIGMETRICS '19 | 317 | 50 | 16% |
SIGMETRICS '18 | 270 | 54 | 20% |
SIGMETRICS '17 Abstracts | 76 | 27 | 36% |
SIGMETRICS '16 | 208 | 28 | 13% |
SIGMETRICS '15 | 239 | 32 | 13% |
SIGMETRICS '14 | 237 | 40 | 17% |
SIGMETRICS '13 | 196 | 54 | 28% |
SIGMETRICS '03 | 222 | 26 | 12% |
SIGMETRICS '02 | 170 | 23 | 14% |
SIGMETRICS '01 | 233 | 29 | 12% |
SIGMETRICS '00 | 165 | 28 | 17% |
SIGMETRICS '99 | 92 | 18 | 20% |
SIGMETRICS '98/PERFORMANCE '98 | 136 | 25 | 18% |
SIGMETRICS '97 | 130 | 25 | 19% |
Overall | 2,691 | 459 | 17% |