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SZZ unleashed: an open implementation of the SZZ algorithm - featuring example usage in a study of just-in-time bug prediction for the Jenkins project

Published: 27 August 2019 Publication History


Machine learning applications in software engineering often rely on detailed information about bugs. While issue trackers often contain information about when bugs were fixed, details about when they were introduced to the system are often absent. As a remedy, researchers often rely on the SZZ algorithm as a heuristic approach to identify bug-introducing software changes. Unfortunately, as reported in a recent systematic literature review, few researchers have made their SZZ implementations publicly available. Consequently, there is a risk that research effort is wasted as new projects based on SZZ output need to initially reimplement the approach. Furthermore, there is a risk that newly developed (closed source) SZZ implementations have not been properly tested, thus conducting research based on their output might introduce threats to validity. We present SZZ Unleashed, an open implementation of the SZZ algorithm for git repositories. This paper describes our implementation along with a usage example for the Jenkins project, and conclude with an illustrative study on just-in-time bug prediction. We hope to continue evolving SZZ Unleashed on GitHub, and warmly invite the community to contribute.


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  1. SZZ unleashed: an open implementation of the SZZ algorithm - featuring example usage in a study of just-in-time bug prediction for the Jenkins project



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        Published In

        cover image ACM Conferences
        MaLTeSQuE 2019: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Machine Learning Techniques for Software Quality Evaluation
        August 2019
        42 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

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        Published: 27 August 2019


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        1. SZZ
        2. defect prediction
        3. issue tracking
        4. mining software repositories


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