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INSAR: indoor navigation system using augmented reality

Published: 04 November 2014 Publication History


Indoor navigation applications for mobile devices are being more common and needed for people who want to find inside building destinations. Many indoor navigation applications utilize different technologies, such as Wi-Fi fingerprinting, have been suggested. Most of these applications use a fixed background map and pre-calculated paths to lead the user to their destinations. Users of these systems need general map reading skills and understanding how specifically indoor maps work. In addition, these system types need to implement complex and accurate calculations to determine routing paths before navigation starts - which could be affected by unstable Wi-Fi signals. In this paper, we suggest INSAR or Indoor Navigation System Using Augmented Reality, which utilizes Wi-Fi fingerprinting, augmented reality (AR), and digital compass technologies in an integrated Android-based app. Specifically, we used a Wi-Fi fingerprinting method to determine user position, augmented reality to display real-time navigation information, and a compass to determine destination direction. Additionally, digital compass use to read the destination direction of each reference point (RP) helps direct the users "on the fly" thus reducing potential Wi-Fi signal instability effects.


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cover image ACM Conferences
ISA '14: Proceedings of the Sixth ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Indoor Spatial Awareness
November 2014
49 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 04 November 2014


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  1. augmented reality AR
  2. compass
  3. indoor navigation
  4. indoor positioning
  5. wi-fi fingerprinting


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  • University of North Texas
  • Microsoft
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  • KAIA

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