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GEqO: ML-Accelerated Semantic Equivalence Detection

Published: 12 December 2023 Publication History


Large scale analytics engines have become a core dependency for modern data-driven enterprises to derive business insights and drive actions. These engines support a large number of analytic jobs processing huge volumes of data on a daily basis, and workloads are often inundated with overlapping computations across multiple jobs. Reusing common computation is crucial for efficient cluster resource utilization and reducing job execution time. Detecting common computation is the first and key step for reducing this computational redundancy. However, detecting equivalence on large-scale analytics engines requires efficient and scalable solutions that are fully automated. In addition, to maximize computation reuse, equivalence needs to be detected at the semantic level instead of just the syntactic level (i.e., the ability to detect semantic equivalence of seemingly different-looking queries). Unfortunately, existing solutions fall short of satisfying these requirements.
In this paper, we take a major step towards filling this gap by proposing GEqO, a portable and lightweight machine-learning-based framework for efficiently identifying semantically equivalent computations at scale. GEqO introduces two machine-learning-based filters that quickly prune out nonequivalent subexpressions and employs a semi-supervised learning feedback loop to iteratively improve its model with an intelligent sampling mechanism. Further, with its novel database-agnostic featurization method, GEqO can transfer the learning from one workload and database to another. Our extensive empirical evaluation shows that, on TPC-DS-like queries, GEqO yields significant performance gains-up to 200x faster than automated verifiers-and finds up to 2x more equivalences than optimizer and signature-based equivalence detection approaches.


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Published: 12 December 2023
Published in PACMMOD Volume 1, Issue 4


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  1. machine learning
  2. semantic query optimization


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