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Immersion or Disruption?: Readers’ Evaluation of and Requirements for (3D-)audio as a Tool to Support Immersion in Digital Reading Practices.

Published: 29 August 2023 Publication History


In this paper, we aim to contribute to the understanding of how readers experience immersion in digital reading experiences, more specifically with digital reading supported by (3D-)audio tracks. We formulate user and content requirements for implementing (3D-)audio soundtracks for readers in a digital reading application. The main research question addressed in this paper is: (how) can audio aid the immersion of readers in digital fiction stories? To answer this question, three online focus group discussions were organised in Belgium and Germany. As part of the set-up of the Horizon Europe project Möbius, 18 participants tested different 3D-audio tracks while reading via the Thorium Reader application. The results first address how participants define immersion, and how the role of audio in immersion can become paradoxical. Then, the paper presents a detailed evaluation of the factors en- or disabling immersion for the specific 3D-audio tracks, and how these insights can be implemented in reading apps via user and content requirements.


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  1. Immersion or Disruption?: Readers’ Evaluation of and Requirements for (3D-)audio as a Tool to Support Immersion in Digital Reading Practices.



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    IMX '23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences
    June 2023
    465 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 29 August 2023


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    1. 3D-audio
    2. digital reading
    3. immersion
    4. online focus group discussions
    5. phenomenological immersion
    6. reading practices
    7. technical immersion


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