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Efficient identity‐based blind message recovery signature scheme from pairings

Published: 01 March 2018 Publication History


Blind signature (BS) schemes are a vital tool to design electronic cash (e‐cash), online transaction, electronic voting (e‐voting), digital right management (DRM) systems etc. The communication systems designed for such applications need small size and more confidential signature schemes. This article presents the first provably secure and efficient identity‐based message recovery BS scheme from pairing. Since, in this scheme, the message is not transmitted with signature and recovered during verification phase, the total message–signature length is the lowest. Due to the blindness, the scheme provides authentication along with anonymity. The performance comparison shows that the authors' scheme consumes the lowest computation cost. Thus, it inspires the energy efficient (green) technology as well as is the most appealing BS scheme towards applications such as e‐cash, e‐voting, DRM systems etc. using low bandwidth and high security.

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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image IET Information Security
IET Information Security  Volume 12, Issue 2
March 2018
58 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 March 2018

Author Tags

  1. digital signatures
  2. electronic money
  3. government data processing
  4. digital rights management
  5. formal verification
  6. green computing
  7. energy conservation

Author Tags

  1. pairings
  2. BS scheme
  3. green technology
  4. energy efficient technology
  5. computation cost
  6. performance comparison
  7. total message‐signature length
  8. verification phase
  9. communication systems
  10. DRM
  11. digital right management systems
  12. e‐voting
  13. electronic voting
  14. online transaction
  15. e‐cash
  16. electronic cash
  17. efficient identity‐based blind message recovery signature scheme


  • Research-article


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