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Connectivity constrained wireless sensor deployment using multiobjective evolutionary algorithms and fuzzy decision making

Published: 01 August 2012 Publication History


Deployment of sensor nodes is an important issue in designing sensor networks. The sensor nodes communicate with each other to transmit their data to a high energy communication node which acts as an interface between data processing unit and sensor nodes. Optimization of sensor node locations is essential to provide communication for a longer duration. An energy efficient sensor deployment based on multiobjective particle swarm optimization algorithm is proposed here and compared with that of non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm. During the process of optimization, sensor nodes move to form a fully connected network. The two objectives i.e. coverage and lifetime are taken into consideration. The optimization process results in a set of network layouts. A comparative study of the performance of the two algorithms is carried out using three performance metrics. The sensitivity analysis of different parameters is also carried out which shows that the multiobjective particle swarm optimization algorithm is a better candidate for solving the multiobjective problem of deploying the sensors. A fuzzy logic based strategy is also used to select the best compromised solution on the Pareto front.


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  1. Connectivity constrained wireless sensor deployment using multiobjective evolutionary algorithms and fuzzy decision making



        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image Ad Hoc Networks
        Ad Hoc Networks  Volume 10, Issue 6
        August, 2012
        297 pages


        Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


        Publication History

        Published: 01 August 2012

        Author Tags

        1. Multiobjective optimization
        2. Multiobjective particle swarm optimization
        3. Sensor deployment
        4. Sensor network


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