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GigaOp DSP on FPGA

Published: 01 January 2004 Publication History


DSP algorithms such as automated target recognition and SONAR beamforming are a good match for FPGA technology due to their regular structure, available parallelism, pipeline-ability, and modest data word sizes. FPGA implementations of these applications outperformed their DSP and microprocessor counterparts by factors ranging from 10 on up with an equivalent sustained computational rate of more than 2 GOps/second per FPGA. This paper introduces a set of criteria which have a great impact on how well an application maps to FPGA technology. It then describes two applications in detail and the process of mapping each to FPGA technology. Comparisons with software implementations are made and followed by conclusions and future challenges.


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Published In

cover image Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems
Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems  Volume 36, Issue 1
January 2004
64 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 January 2004

Author Tags

  1. DSP
  2. FPGA


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