A Java implementation of cross-domain mixed initiative spoken dialogue management
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- A Java implementation of cross-domain mixed initiative spoken dialogue management
Implementing advanced spoken dialogue management in Java
Special issue on principles and practice of programming in java (PPPJ 2003)In this article we describe how Java can be used to implement an object-based, cross-domain, mixed initiative spoken dialogue manager (DM). We describe how dialogue that crosses between several business domains can be modelled as an inheriting and ...
Exploring Mixed-Initiative Dialogue Using Computer Dialogue Simulation
This paper experimentally shows that mixed-initiative dialogue is not always more efficient than non-mixed initiative dialogue in route finding tasks. Based on the dialogue model proposed in Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis a lá the ...
Parallel Computing-Based Architecture for Mixed-Initiative Spoken Dialogue
ICMI '02: Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Multimodal InterfacesThis paper describes a new method of implementing mixed-initiative spoken dialogue systems based on parallel computing architecture. In a mixed-initiative dialogue, the user as well as the system needs to be capable of controlling the dialogue sequence. ...
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Computer Science Press, Inc.
United States
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