The Conjugate Gradient Method is the most prominent iterative method for solving sparse systems of linear equations. Unfortunately, many textbook treatments of the topic are written so that even their own authors would be mystified, if they bothered to read their own writing. For this reason, an understanding of the method has been reserved for the elite brilliant few who have painstakingly decoded the mumblings of their forebears. Nevertheless, the Conjugate Gradient Method is a composite of simple, elegant ideas that almost anyone can understand. Of course, a reader as intelligent as yourself will learn them almost effortlessly. The idea of quadratic forms is introduced and used to derive the methods of Steepest Descent, Conjugate Directions, and Conjugate Gradients. Eigenvectors are explained and used to examine the convergence of the Jacobi Method, Steepest Descent, and Conjugate Gradients. Other topics include preconditioning and the nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Method. I have taken pains to make this article easy to read. Sixty-two illustrations are provided. Dense prose is avoided. Concepts are explained in several different ways. Most equations are coupled with an intuitive interpretation.
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On three-term conjugate gradient algorithms for unconstrained optimization
This paper presents a project for three-term conjugate gradient algorithms development. The search direction of the algorithms from this class has three terms and is computed as modifications of the classical conjugate gradient algorithms to satisfy ...
Another nonlinear conjugate gradient algorithm for unconstrained optimization
A nonlinear conjugate gradient algorithm which is a modification of the Dai and Yuan [A nonlinear conjugate gradient method with a strong global convergence property, SIAM J. Optim. 10 (1999), pp. 177-182] conjugate gradient algorithm satisfying a ...
An improved Perry conjugate gradient method with adaptive parameter choice
In this paper, we present a conjugate gradient method for solving unconstrained optimization problems. Motivated by Perry conjugate gradient method and Dai-Liao method, an improved Perry update matrix is proposed to overcome the non-symmetric positive ...