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Interactive 3D Force-Directed Edge Bundling

Published: 01 June 2016 Publication History


Interactive analysis of 3D relational data is challenging. A common way of representing such data are node-link diagrams as they support analysts in achieving a mental model of the data. However, naïve 3D depictions of complex graphs tend to be visually cluttered, even more than in a 2D layout. This makes graph exploration and data analysis less efficient. This problem can be addressed by edge bundling. We introduce a 3D cluster-based edge bundling algorithm that is inspired by the force-directed edge bundling FDEB algorithm [HvW09b] and fulfills the requirements to be embedded in an interactive framework for spatial data analysis. It is parallelized and scales with the size of the graph regarding the runtime. Furthermore, it maintains the edge's model and thus supports rendering the graph in different structural styles. We demonstrate this with a graph originating from a simulation of the function of a macaque brain.


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cover image Computer Graphics Forum
Computer Graphics Forum  Volume 35, Issue 3
June 2016
728 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


The Eurographs Association & John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Chichester, United Kingdom

Publication History

Published: 01 June 2016

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  1. Categories and Subject Descriptors according to ACM CCS
  2. Data Structures [E.1]: Graphs and networks-Computing Methodologies
  3. [I.3.8]: Computer Graphics-Applications


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