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WiDeo: fine-grained device-free motion tracing using RF backscatter

Published: 04 May 2015 Publication History


Could we build a motion tracing camera using wireless communication signals as the light source? This paper shows we can, we present the design and implementation of WiDeo, a novel system that enables accurate, high resolution, device free human motion tracing in indoor environments using WiFi signals and compact WiFi radios. The insight behind WiDeo is to mine the backscatter reflections from the environment that WiFi transmissions naturally produce to trace where reflecting objects are located and how they are moving. We invent novel backscatter measurement techniques that work in spite of the low bandwidth and dynamic range of WiFi radios, new algorithms that separate out the moving backscatter from the clutter that static reflectors produce and then trace the original motion that produced the backscatter in spite of the fact that it could have undergone multiple reflections. We prototype WiDeo using off-the-shelf software radios and show that it accurately traces motion even when there are multiple independent human motions occurring concurrently (up to 5) with a median error in the traced path of less than 7cm.


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  1. WiDeo: fine-grained device-free motion tracing using RF backscatter



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    Published In

    cover image Guide Proceedings
    NSDI'15: Proceedings of the 12th USENIX Conference on Networked Systems Design and Implementation
    May 2015
    620 pages


    • VMware
    • NSF: National Science Foundation
    • Google Inc.
    • Microsoft Reasearch: Microsoft Reasearch
    • CISCO


    USENIX Association

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 04 May 2015


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