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Cited By
- Yavoruk O The Use of 3D Virtual Tours Technology in Physics Classes for Teaching Physical Quantities Proceedings of the 2023 4th International Conference on Education Development and Studies, (7-11)
- O'Hagan J, Khamis M and Williamson J Surveying Consumer Understanding & Sentiment Of VR Proceedings of the International Workshop on Immersive Mixed and Virtual Environment Systems (MMVE '21), (14-20)
- Wakkary R, Schiphorst T and Budd J Cross-dressing and border crossing CHI '04 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1709-1710)
- Craven M, Taylor I, Drozd A, Purbrick J, Greenhalgh C, Benford S, Fraser M, Bowers J, Jää-Aro K, Lintermann B and Hoch M Exploiting interactivity, influence, space and time to explore non-linear drama in virtual worlds Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (30-37)
- Ebert D, Bedwell E, Maher S, Smoliar L and Downing E (1999). Realizing 3D visualization using crossed-beam volumetric displays, Communications of the ACM, 42:8, (100-107), Online publication date: 1-Aug-1999.
- Nicol D, Balci O, Fujimoto R, Fishwick P, L'Ecuyer P, Smith R and Page E Strategic directions in simulation research (panel) Proceedings of the 31st conference on Winter simulation: Simulation---a bridge to the future - Volume 2, (1509-1520)
Index Terms
- Digital illusion: entertaining the future with high technology
The invisible hand illusion: Multisensory integration leads to the embodiment of a discrete volume of empty space
The dynamic integration of signals from different sensory modalities plays a key role in bodily self-perception. When visual information is used in the multisensory process of localizing and identifying one's own limbs, the sight of a body part often ...
Sensory processing and the rubber hand illusion-an evoked potentials study
The rubber hand illusion RHI paradigm-in which illusory bodily ownership is induced by synchronous tactile stimulation of a participant's hidden hand and a visible surrogate-allows one to investigate how the brain resolves conflicting multisensory ...
The continuity illusion does not depend on attentional state: Fmri evidence from illusory vowels
We investigate whether the neural correlates of the continuity illusion, as measured using fMRI, are modulated by attention. As we have shown previously, when two formants of a synthetic vowel are presented in an alternating pattern, the vowel can be ...