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10.5555/2384154.2384161guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Sense-enabled mixed reality museum exhibitions

Published: 26 November 2007 Publication History


During the past few years museums and other cultural heritage institutions have started making use of handheld technologies to provide tourist guides to their visitors. For open-air sites, a number of experimental and commercial applications have been developed based on location-based guides. However, in museum environments static audiovisual guides are the dominant technologies used. In this paper, we present a novel pervasive mixed reality framework to a sensor network capturing ambient noise that can be used to create tangible cultural heritage exhibitions. Localisation of the visitors can be established in a hybrid manner based on machine vision and a wireless sensor network allowing visitors to interact naturally or with the help of sensors. In terms of interface design, a multimodal mixed reality visualisation domain allows for an audio-visual presentation of cultural heritage artefacts.


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cover image Guide Proceedings
VAST'07: Proceedings of the 8th International conference on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage
November 2007
140 pages


  • University of Brighton: University of Brighton
  • EUROGRAPHICS: The European Association for Computer Graphics


Eurographics Association

Goslar, Germany

Publication History

Published: 26 November 2007


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