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DroidScope: seamlessly reconstructing the OS and Dalvik semantic views for dynamic Android malware analysis

Published: 08 August 2012 Publication History


The prevalence of mobile platforms, the large market share of Android, plus the openness of the Android Market makes it a hot target for malware attacks. Once a malware sample has been identified, it is critical to quickly reveal its malicious intent and inner workings. In this paper we present DroidScope, an Android analysis platform that continues the tradition of virtualization-based malware analysis. Unlike current desktop malware analysis platforms, DroidScope reconstructs both the OS-level and Java-level semantics simultaneously and seamlessly. To facilitate custom analysis, DroidScope exports three tiered APIs that mirror the three levels of an Android device: hardware, OS and Dalvik Virtual Machine. On top of DroidScope, we further developed several analysis tools to collect detailed native and Dalvik instruction traces, profile API-level activity, and track information leakage through both the Java and native components using taint analysis. These tools have proven to be effective in analyzing real world malware samples and incur reasonably low performance overheads.


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cover image Guide Proceedings
Security'12: Proceedings of the 21st USENIX conference on Security symposium
August 2012
43 pages


  • NSF: National Science Foundation
  • Google Inc.
  • IBMR: IBM Research
  • Microsoft Research: Microsoft Research
  • Symantec: Symantec


USENIX Association

United States

Publication History

Published: 08 August 2012


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