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An architecture for self-organising evolvable virtual machines

Published: 01 January 2005 Publication History


Contemporary software systems are exposed to demanding, dynamic, and unpredictable environments where the traditional adaptability mechanisms may not be sufficient. To imitate and fully benefit from life-like adaptability in software systems that might come closer to the complexity levels of biological organisms, we seek a formal mathematical model of certain fundamental concepts such as: life, organism, evolvability and adaptation. In this work we concentrate on the concept of software evolvability. Our work proposes an evolutionary computation model, based on the theory of hypercycles and autopoiesis. The intrinsic properties of hypercycles allow them to evolve into higher levels of complexity, analogous to multi-level, or hierarchical evolutionary processes. We aim to obtain structures of self-maintaining ensembles, that are hierarchically organised, and our primary focus is on such open-ended hierarchically organised evolution.


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cover image Guide books
Engineering Self-Organising Systems: methodologies and Applications
January 2005
298 pages
  • Editors:
  • Sven A. Brueckner,
  • Giovanna Marzo Serugendo,
  • Anthony Karageorgos,
  • Radhika Nagpal



Berlin, Heidelberg

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Published: 01 January 2005


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