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10.5555/2095116.2095207acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessodaConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Networks cannot compute their diameter in sublinear time

Published: 17 January 2012 Publication History


We study the problem of computing the diameter of a network in a distributed way. The model of distributed computation we consider is: in each synchronous round, each node can transmit a different (but short) message to each of its neighbors. We provide an Ω(n) lower bound for the number of communication rounds needed, where n denotes the number of nodes in the network. This lower bound is valid even if the diameter of the network is a small constant. We also show that a (3/2 − ε)-approximation of the diameter requires Ω (√n + D) rounds. Furthermore we use our new technique to prove an Ω (√n + D) lower bound on approximating the girth of a graph by a factor 2 − ε.


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SODA '12: Proceedings of the twenty-third annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms
January 2012
1764 pages


  • Kyoto University: Kyoto University



Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

United States

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Published: 17 January 2012

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SODA '12
  • Kyoto University

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