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10.5555/1892875.1892948guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Path-based rules in object-oriented programming

Published: 04 August 1996 Publication History


Object-oriented programming has recently emerged as one of the most important programming paradigms. While object-oriented programming clearly owes an intellectual debt to AI, it appears to be displacing some AI techniques, such as rule-based programming, from the marketplace. This need not be so as path-based rules--forward-chaining production rules that are restricted to follow pointers between objects--fit into the object-oriented paradigm in a clean and elegant way. The combination of path-based rules and object-oriented programming should be useful in AI applications, and in the more general problem of transferring AI techniques to the larger computer science community.


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cover image Guide Proceedings
AAAI'96: Proceedings of the thirteenth national conference on Artificial intelligence - Volume 1
August 1996
894 pages


  • AAAI: American Association for Artificial Intelligence


AAAI Press

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Published: 04 August 1996


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