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10.5555/1769821.1769877guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Assumptions considered harmful: the need to redefine usability

Published: 22 July 2007 Publication History


A cultural evaluation of Usability Engineering in the Namibian context reveals a number of good practices as well as locally inadequate methods. One major challenge in cross-cultural Usability Engineering is the implicit western understanding of usability and its associated assumptions which often lead to a locally inappropriate usability evaluation. Conceptualisation sessions held with different Namibian user groups confirmed a deviating perception of the term "usability". None of the groups mentioned terms "commonly" associated with "usability" such as speed, learnable, or memorable. Thus standard usability testing comprises a dual bias through the western definition of usability and the related choice of methods which aim to test an already biased objective. We therefore suggest an ethno-centric software development framework which incorporates a contextual redefinition of usability.


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  1. Assumptions considered harmful: the need to redefine usability



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    cover image Guide Proceedings
    UI-HCII'07: Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Usability and internationalization
    July 2007
    660 pages



    Berlin, Heidelberg

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    Published: 22 July 2007


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