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Applications and explanations of Zipf's law

Published: 11 January 1998 Publication History


Recently I have been intrigued by the reappearance of an old friend, George Kingsley Zipf, in a number of not entirely expected places. The law named for him is ubiquitous, but Zipf did not actually discover the law so much as provide a plausible explanation. Others have proposed modifications to Zipf's Law, and closer examination uncovers systematic deviations from its normative form. We demonstrate how Zipf's analysis can be extended to include some of these phenomena.


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cover image DL Hosted proceedings
NeMLaP3/CoNLL '98: Proceedings of the Joint Conferences on New Methods in Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning
January 1998
332 pages


Association for Computational Linguistics

United States

Publication History

Published: 11 January 1998


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