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Avrora: scalable sensor network simulation with precise timing

Published: 24 April 2005 Publication History


Simulation can be an important step in the development of software for wireless sensor networks and has been the subject of intense research in the past decade. While most previous efforts in simulating wireless sensor networks have focused on protocol-level issues utilizing models of the software implementation, a significant challenge remains in precisely measuring time-dependent properties such as radio channel utilization. One promising approach, first demonstrated by ATEMU, is to simulate the behavior of sensor network programs at the machine code level with cycle-accuracy, but poor performance has so far limited its scalability. In this paper we present Avrora, a cycle-accurate instruction-level sensor network simulator which scales to networks of up to 10,000 nodes and performs as much as 20 times faster than previous simulators with equivalent accuracy, handling as many as 25 nodes in real-time. We show how an event queue can enable efficient instruction-level simulation of microcontroller programs and allow the hidden parallelism in finegrained sensor network simulations to be extracted, once two core synchronization problems are identified and solved. Avrora's ability to measure detailed time-critical phenomena can shed new light on design issues for large-scale sensor networks.


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  1. Avrora: scalable sensor network simulation with precise timing



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    IPSN '05: Proceedings of the 4th international symposium on Information processing in sensor networks
    April 2005
    475 pages



    IEEE Press

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    Published: 24 April 2005

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