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Using UML models for the performance analysis of network systems

Published: 05 December 2005 Publication History


The automated functional and performance analysis of communication systems specified with some Formal Description Technique has long been the goal of telecommunication engineers. In the past SDL and Petri nets have been the most popular FDTs for the purpose. With the growth in popularity of UML the most obvious question to ask is whether one can translate one or more UML diagrams describing a system to a performance model. Until the advent of UML 2.0, that has been an impossible task because the semantics were not clear. Even though the UML semantics are still not clear for the purpose, using ITU recommendation Z.109 with UML 2.0 now released, we describe in this paper a methodology and tool called proSPEX (protocol Software Performance Engineering using XMI) for the design and performance analysis of communication protocols specified with UML.


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Published In

cover image Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking
Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking  Volume 49, Issue 5
Telecommunications and UML languages
5 December 2005
87 pages


Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 05 December 2005

Author Tags

  1. Communication protocols
  2. ESRO
  3. Formal description technique
  4. Performance analysis
  5. SDL
  6. Simulation
  7. UML


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