Using emulation software to predict the performance of algorithms on NVRAM
Pages 142 - 146
Currently, new storage technologies which unite the latency and byte-addressability of DRAM with the persistence of disks are being developed. This non-volatile memory (NVRAM) may start a software revolution. Traditionally, software was developed for two levels of storage and NVRAM reduces the hierarchy to a single-level store. Current research projects are already exploring the potential of NVRAM, but they face a challenge when they want to evaluate the performance: The new hardware is not yet available.
In this paper, we discuss why benchmark results which are gained on existing DRAM are insufficient for a prediction of the performance on NVRAM. Either existing instructions have to be changed or new ones have to be introduced. We further show that the bochs emulator can be used to build systems which resemble NVRAM, to predict the NVRAM's consequences, and it even allows a comparison of algorithms for NVRAM.
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Mnemosyne: lightweight persistent memory
New storage-class memory (SCM) technologies, such as phase-change memory, STT-RAM, and memristors, promise user-level access to non-volatile storage through regular memory instructions. These memory devices enable fast user-mode access to persistence, ...
Information & Contributors
Published In
March 2014
211 pages
- General Chair:
- Fernando Barros,
- Program Chairs:
- Kalyan Perumalla,
- Roland Ewald
- EAI: The European Alliance for Innovation
- Create-Net
ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering)
Brussels, Belgium
Publication History
Published: 17 March 2014
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Author Tags
- Research-article
Funding Sources
SIMUTools '14
SIMUTools '14: 7th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques
March 17 - 19, 2014
Lisbon, Portugal
Acceptance Rates
Overall Acceptance Rate 20 of 73 submissions, 27%
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