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Attacks on Resource-Constrained IoT Devices and Security Solutions

Published: 07 October 2022 Publication History


An IoT is a complex system of interconnected electronic devices that exchange data over the network. Due to the sensitive nature of the data involved in this new technological paradigm, security measures must be taken with great care. Researchers can better understand the threats and weaknesses of the IoT if attacks are categorized to facilitate the development of a more robust defense system. This study discusses various attacks and statistical data related to IoT. These attacks are divided into two categories: physical and cyber-attacks. Based on the literature review, the authors found that social engineering and DoS are the most common attacks in the physical and cyber categories. This study demonstrates the security solutions inherent to securing the IoT environment. Cryptography, blockchain, software-defined networks, and machine learning techniques were reviewed. They also discussed steps that should be taken to make a safe IoT environment.


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  1. Attacks on Resource-Constrained IoT Devices and Security Solutions
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          Published In

          cover image International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence
          International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence  Volume 14, Issue 1
          Oct 2022
          1068 pages
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          IGI Global

          United States

          Publication History

          Published: 07 October 2022

          Author Tags

          1. Attacks
          2. Blockchain
          3. Cryptography
          4. DDoS
          5. IoT
          6. Machine Learning
          7. Security
          8. Software-Defined Network


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