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Real-time scheduling with quality of security constraints

Published: 01 August 2006 Publication History


An increasing number of real-time applications such as aircraft control and medical electronics systems require high quality of security to assure confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of information. However, security requirements of real-time tasks were not adequately considered in most existing scheduling algorithms. This paper proposes a novel dynamic scheduling algorithm with security awareness for scheduling independent tasks in real-time systems. Extensive simulation experiments have been conducted to quantitatively evaluate the performance of our approach. Experimental results based on synthetic and real world traces show that compared with three baseline algorithms, the proposed algorithm can consistently improve overall system performance in terms of quality of security and guarantee ratio under a wide range of workload characteristics.


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Published In

cover image International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking
International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking  Volume 4, Issue 3/4
August 2006
103 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Inderscience Publishers

Geneva 15, Switzerland

Publication History

Published: 01 August 2006

Author Tags

  1. guarantee ratio
  2. performance
  3. real-time scheduling
  4. scheduling algorithms
  5. security


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