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A GPU acceleration of 3-D Fourier reconstruction in cryo-EM

Published: 01 September 2019 Publication History


Cryo-electron microscopy is a popular method for macromolecules structure determination. Reconstruction of a 3-D volume from raw data obtained from a microscope is highly computationally demanding. Thus, acceleration of the reconstruction has a great practical value. In this article, we introduce a novel graphics processing unit (GPU)-friendly algorithm for direct Fourier reconstruction, one of the main computational bottlenecks in the 3-D volume reconstruction pipeline for some experimental cases (particularly those with a large number of images and a high internal symmetry). Contrary to the state of the art, our algorithm uses a gather memory pattern, improving cache locality and removing race conditions in parallel writing into the 3-D volume. We also introduce a finely tuned CUDA implementation of our algorithm, using auto-tuning to search for a combination of optimization parameters maximizing performance on a given GPU architecture. Our CUDA implementation is integrated in widely used software Xmipp, version 3.19, reaching 11.4× speedup compared to the original parallel CPU implementation using GPU with comparable power consumption. Moreover, we have reached 31.7× speedup using four GPUs and 2.14×–5.96× speedup compared to optimized GPU implementation based on a scatter memory pattern.


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Author biographies

Author biographies
David Střelák holds MSc and BSc from Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University. He is currently a PhD candidate at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University. His research interests include high performance computing (heterogeneous computing, algorithm optimization techniques and autotuning) and image processing algorithms.
Carlos Óscar Sánchez Sorzano holds BSc and MSc in Electrical Engineering with two specialities (Electronics and Networking, University of Málaga), BSc in Computer Science (University of Málaga), BSc and MSc in Mathematics, (speciality in Statistics, UNED), PhD in Biomedical Engineering (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), and PhD in Pharmacy (Universidad CEU San Pablo). In 2006, he received the Ángel Herrera research prize. He is a senior member of the IEEE since 2008 and that same year he was accredited as “profesor titular de universidad” by ANECA. In 2009, he was appointed as “Profesor Agregado” at Universidad CEU San Pablo, awarded a Ramón y Cajal research contract, and appointed as technical director of the INSTRUCT Image Processing Center for Microscopy. In 2011 and 2012, he was the President of the National Association of Ramón y Cajal researchers. He has been coordinating the service of image processing and statistical analysis of the CNB since 2011. In 2013, he was accredited as Full Professor. Since 2017, he is part of the permanent staff of CSIC.
José María Carazo holds MSc in Physics (University of Granada) and PhD in Molecular Biology (Autonomous University of Madrid). He joined the IEEE in 1982, being now a Senior Member. He performed his postdoctoral work at the Department of Health, Wadsworth Center, Albany, NY, USA, under the direction of Dr Joachim Frank (Nobel Laureate in Chemistry in 2017) from 1986 to 1989. In 1989, he set up the BioComputing Unit of the National Center for Biotechnology (CNB) in Madrid, that he heads since then. He is also the Director of the Instruct Image Processing Center and of the CSIC node of Elixir-Spain. He is full professor of Spanish CSIC.
Jiří Filipovič holds BSc and MSc in Applied Informatics (Masaryk University) with specialization on numerical computing and PhD in Informatics (Masaryk University). In 2012, he received the first prize in Joseph Fourier Award in Computer Science. After defending PhD, he worked as a postdoc at Masaryk University and University of Vienna. Since 2017, he has been the head of High Performance Computing research group in CERIT-SC Centre at the Institute of Computer Science, Masaryk University. His research interests include scientific and high-performance computing, in particular methods for auto-tuning, source-to-source code transformation, and heterogeneous computing and computational biology.

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Published In

cover image International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications  Volume 33, Issue 5
Sep 2019
303 pages


Sage Publications, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 September 2019

Author Tags

  1. Cryo-EM
  2. GPU
  3. CUDA
  4. 3-D Fourier reconstruction
  5. auto-tuning


  • Research-article


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