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Information-theoretic semi-supervised metric learning via entropy regularization

Published: 01 August 2014 Publication History


We propose a general information-theoretic approach to semi-supervised metric learning called SERAPH SEmi-supervised metRic leArning Paradigm with Hypersparsity that does not rely on the manifold assumption. Given the probability parameterized by a Mahalanobis distance, we maximize its entropy on labeled data and minimize its entropy on unlabeled data following entropy regularization. For metric learning, entropy regularization improves manifold regularization by considering the dissimilarity information of unlabeled data in the unsupervised part, and hence it allows the supervised and unsupervised parts to be integrated in a natural and meaningful way. Moreover, we regularize SERAPH by trace-norm regularization to encourage low-dimensional projections associated with the distance metric. The nonconvex optimization problem of SERAPH could be solved efficiently and stably by either a gradient projection algorithm or an EM-like iterative algorithm whose M-step is convex. Experiments demonstrate that SERAPH compares favorably with many well-known metric learning methods, and the learned Mahalanobis distance possesses high discriminability even under noisy environments.


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  1. Information-theoretic semi-supervised metric learning via entropy regularization



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    Published In

    cover image Neural Computation
    Neural Computation  Volume 26, Issue 8
    August 2014
    291 pages


    MIT Press

    Cambridge, MA, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 August 2014


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