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Tools for children to create physical interactive storyrooms

Published: 01 January 2004 Publication History


Over the past few years, researchers have been exploring possibilities for ways in which embedded technologies can enrich childrens storytelling experiences. In this article we present our research on physical interactive storytelling environments from a childs perspective. We present the system architecture as well as a formative study of the technologys use with 18 children, ages 5-6. We discuss the challenges and opportunities for kindergarten children to become creators of their own physical storytelling interactions.


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  1. Tools for children to create physical interactive storyrooms



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      cover image Computers in Entertainment
      Computers in Entertainment   Volume 2, Issue 1
      Theoretical and Practical Computer Applications in Entertainment
      January 2004
      182 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 01 January 2004
      Published in CIE Volume 2, Issue 1


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