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Linear light source reflectometry

Published: 01 July 2003 Publication History


This paper presents a technique for estimating the spatially-varying reflectance properties of a surface based on its appearance during a single pass of a linear light source. By using a linear light rather than a point light source as the illuminant, we are able to reliably observe and estimate the diffuse color, specular color, and specular roughness of each point of the surface. The reflectometry apparatus we use is simple and inexpensive to build, requiring a single direction of motion for the light source and a fixed camera viewpoint. Our model fitting technique first renders a reflectance table of how diffuse and specular reflectance lobes would appear under moving linear light source illumination. Then, for each pixel we compare its series of intensity values to the tabulated reflectance lobes to determine which reflectance model parameters most closely produce the observed reflectance values. Using two passes of the linear light source at different angles, we can also estimate per-pixel surface normals as well as the reflectance parameters. Additionally our system records a per-pixel height map for the object and estimates its per-pixel translucency. We produce real-time renderings of the captured objects using a custom hardware shading algorithm. We apply the technique to a test object exhibiting a variety of materials as well as to an illuminated manuscript with gold lettering. To demonstrate the technique's accuracy, we compare renderings of the captured models to real photographs of the original objects.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (gardner_linearlight.mp4)


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ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 22, Issue 3
July 2003
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Published: 01 July 2003
Published in TOG Volume 22, Issue 3


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