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Hints for computer system design

Published: 10 October 1983 Publication History


Experience with the design and implementation of a number of computer systems, and study of many other systems, has led to some general hints for system design which are described here. They are illustrated by a number of examples, ranging from hardware such as the Alto and the Dorado to applications programs such as Bravo and Star.


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Creasy, R.J. The origin of the VM/370 time-sharing system, IBM J. Res. Develop. 25, 5, Sep. 1981, p 483-491.
Deutsch, L.P. and Grant, C.A. A flexible measurement tool for software systems. Proc IFIP Cong. 1971, North-Holland.
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Deutsch, L.P. Private communication, February 1982.
Dijkstra, E.W. et. al. On-the-fly garbage collection: an exercise in cooperation. Comm. ACM21, 11, Nov. 1978, p 966-975.
Ditzel, D.R. and McLellan. H.R. Register allocation for free: the C machine stack cache. SIGPLAN Notices17, 4, April 1982, p 48-56.
Geschke, C.M. et. al. Early experience with Mesa. Comm. ACM20, 8, Aug. 1977, p 540-553.
Gifford, D.K. Weighted voting for replicated data. Operating Systems Review13, 5, Dec. 1979, p 150-162.
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Hansen, P.M. et. al. A performance evaluation of the Intel iAPX 432. Computer Architecture News10, 4, June 1982, p 17-26.
Hoare, C.A.R. Hints on programming language design. SIGACT/SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Boston, Oct. 1973.
Hoare, C.A.R. Monitors: an operating system structuring concept. Comm. ACM17, 10, Oct. 1974, p 549-557.
Ingalls, D. The Smalltalk graphics kernel. Byte6, 8, Aug. 1981, p 168-194.
Janson, P.A. Using type-extension to organize virtual-memory mechanisms. Operating Systems Review15, 4, Oct. 1981, p 6-38.
Knuth, D.E. An empirical study of Fortran programs. Software—Practice and Experience1, 2, Mar. 1971, p 105-133.
Lampson, B.W. Bravo manual. In Alto Users Handbook, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, 1976.
Lampson, B.W. and Redell, D.D. Experience with processes and monitors in Mesa. Comm. ACM23, 2, Feb. 1980, p 105-117.
Lampson, B.W. et. al. Electronic image processing system. U.S. Patent 4,203,154, May 1980.
Lampson, B.W. Replicated commit. Circulated at a workshop on Fundamental Principles of Distributed Computing, Pala Mesa, Ca., Dec. 1980.
Lampson, B.W. Atomic transactions. In Distributed Systems: An Advanced Course, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 105, Springer, 1981, p 246-265.
Lampson, B.W. and Sproull, R.S. An open operating system for a single-user machine. Operating Systems Review13, 5, Dec. 1979,p 98-105.
Lampson, B.W. and Sturgis, H.E. Reflections on an operating system design. Comm. ACM19, 5, May 1976, p 251-265.
McNeil, M. and Tracz, W. PL/1 program efficiency. SIGPLAN Notices15, 6, June 1980, p 46-60.
McQuillan, J.M. and Walden, D.C. The ARPA network design decisions. Comput. Networks1, Aug. 1977, p 243-289.
Metcalfe, R.M. and Boggs, D.R. Ethernet: distributed packet switching for local computer networks. Comm. ACM19, 7, July 1976, p 395-404.
Mitchell, J.G. Design and Construction of Flexible and Efficient Interactive Programming Systems. Garland, 1979.
Mitchell, J.G. and Dion. J. A comparison of two network-based file servers. Comm. ACM25, 4, April 1982, p 233-245.
Needham, R.M. Personal communication. Dec. 1980.
Newman, W.M. and Sproull, R.F. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics. 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, 1979.
Parnas, D.L. On the criteria to be used in decomposing systems into modules. Comm. ACM15, 12, Dec. 1972, p 1053-1058.
Patterson, D.A. and Sequin, C.H. RISC I: a reduced instruction set VLSI computer. 8th Symp. Computer Architecture, Minneapolis, May 1981, p 443-457.
Paxton, W.H. A client-based transaction system to maintain data integrity. Operating Systems Review13, 5, Dec. 1979, p 18-23.
Radin, G.H. The 801 minicomputer. SIGPLAN Notices17, 4, April 1982, p 39-47.
Redell, D.D. et. al. Pilot: an operating system for a personal computer. Comm. ACM 23, 2, Feb. 1980, p 81-91.
Reed, D. Naming and synchronization in a decentralized computer system, MIT LCS TR-205, Sept. 1978.
Ritchie, D.M. and Thompson, K. The Unix time-sharing system. Bell Syst. Tech. J. 57, 6, July 1978, p 1905-1930.
Rovner, P. Private communication, Dec. 1982.
Saltzer, J.H., et. al. End-to-end arguments in system design. Proc. 2nd Int'l. Conf. Distributed Computing Systems, Paris, April 1981, p 509-512.
Smith, D.C. et. al. Designing the Star user interface. Byte 7, 4, April 1982, p 242-282.
Smith, J.E. A study of branch prediction strategies. 8th Symp. Computer Architecture, Minneapolis, May 1981, p 135-148.
Sturgis, H.E. et. al. Issues in the design and use of a distributed file system. Operating Systems Review14, 3, July 1980, p 55-69.
Sturgis, H.E. A Post-Mortem for a Time-Sharing System. Technical report CSL-74-1, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, 1974.
Sweet, R., and Sandman, J. Static analysis of the Mesa instruction set. SIGPLAN Notices17, 4, April 1982, p 158-166.
Tanenbaum, A. Implications of structured programming for machine architecture. Comm. ACM21, 3, March 1978, p 237-246.
Thacker, C.P. et. al. Alto: a personal computer. In Computer Structures: Readings and Examples, 2nd ed., Siewiorek, Bell and Newell, eds., McGraw-Hill, 1981.
Traiger, I.L. Virtual memory management for data base systems. Operating Systems Review16, 4, Oct. 1982, p 26-48.

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      cover image ACM Conferences
      SOSP '83: Proceedings of the ninth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles
      October 1983
      154 pages
      • cover image ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review
        ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review  Volume 17, Issue 5
        October 1983
        154 pages
        Issue’s Table of Contents
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