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ATP: Achieving Throughput Peak for DNN Training via Smart GPU Memory Management

Online AM: 13 November 2024 Publication History


Due to the limited GPU memory, the performance of large DNNs training is constrained by the unscalable batch size. Existing researches partially address the issue of GPU memory limit through tensor recomputation and swapping, but overlook the exploration of optimal performance.
In response, we propose ATP, a recomputation and swapping based GPU memory management framework that aims to maximize training performance by breaking GPU memory constraints. ATP utilizes a throughput model we proposed to evaluate the theoretical peak performance achievable by DNN training on GPU, and provide the optimum memory size required for recomputation and swapping. We optimize the mechanisms for GPU memory pool and CUDA stream control, employs an optimization method to search for specific tensors requiring recomputation and swapping, thereby bringing the actual DNN training performance on ATP closer to theoretical values. Evaluations with different types of large DNN models indicate that ATP achieve throughput improvements ranging from 1.14 ∼ 1.49 ×, while support model training exceeding the GPU memory limit by up to 9.2 ×.


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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Online AM: 13 November 2024
Accepted: 04 September 2024
Revised: 03 September 2024
Received: 20 February 2024

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  1. DNN training
  2. GPU memory management
  3. Training throughput
  4. Performance improvement


  • Research-article


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