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Volumetric Homogenization for Knitwear Simulation

Published: 19 November 2024 Publication History


This paper presents volumetric homogenization, a spatially varying homogenization scheme for knitwear simulation. We are motivated by the observation that macro-scale fabric dynamics is strongly correlated with its underlying knitting patterns. Therefore, homogenization towards a single material is less effective when the knitting is complex and non-repetitive. Our method tackles this challenge by homogenizing the yarn-level material locally at volumetric elements. Assigning a virtual volume of a knitting structure enables us to model bending and twisting effects via a simple volume-preserving penalty and thus effectively alleviates the material nonlinearity. We employ an adjoint Gauss-Newton formulation[Zehnder et al. 2021] to battle the dimensionality challenge of such per-element material optimization. This intuitive material model makes the forward simulation GPU-friendly. To this end, our pipeline also equips a novel domain-decomposed subspace solver crafted for GPU projective dynamics, which makes our simulator hundreds of times faster than the yarn-level simulator. Experiments validate the capability and effectiveness of volumetric homogenization. Our method produces realistic animations of knitwear matching the quality of full-scale yarn-level simulations. It is also orders of magnitude faster than existing homogenization techniques in both the training and simulation stages.


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Published: 19 November 2024
Published in TOG Volume 43, Issue 6

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  1. yarn-level simulation
  2. homogenization
  3. physics-based simulation
  4. domain decomposition


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