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See or Guess: Counterfactually Regularized Image Captioning

Published: 28 October 2024 Publication History


Image captioning, which generates natural language descriptions of images, is a crucial task in vision-language research. Previous models have typically addressed this task by aligning the generative capabilities of machines with humans through statistical fitting existing datasets. While effective for normal images, they may struggle to accurately describe those where certain parts of the image are obscured or edited, unlike humans who excel in such cases. These weaknesses, including hallucinations and limited interpretability, often hinder performance in scenarios with shifted association patterns. In this paper, we present a generic image captioning framework that employs causal inference to make existing models more capable of interventional tasks, and counterfactually explainable. Our approach includes two variants leveraging either total effect or natural direct effect. Integrating them into the training process enables models to handle counterfactual scenarios, increasing their generalizability. Extensive experiments on various datasets show that our method effectively reduces hallucinations and improves the model's faithfulness to images, demonstrating high portability across both small-scale and large-scale image-to-text models. The code is available at


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Published: 28 October 2024


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  1. counterfactual causal inference
  2. image captioning
  3. image-to-text generation
  4. object hallucination


  • Research-article

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MM '24
MM '24: The 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia
October 28 - November 1, 2024
Melbourne VIC, Australia

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